Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Supreme The Eloheem
Hello and welcome! My name is Kcvee, and I'm a hip-hop producer who specializes in mixing and production services. With 10 years of experience in the industry, I've had the pleasure of working with a variety of artists and my goal is simple: to help you create the best possible version of your music.
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session saxophonist/clarinetist. solo tracks or woodwind section. composer, arranger, music producer and a Teacher. won competitions with my compositions - TheAkademia August 2015,the14 annual independent music award, Great American song 2014, global music award USA 2015.
My name is Kathryn, and I will be graduating next year with a creative writing with media studies degree. With this degree I hope to show my passion and ability to create emotional pieces that can reach out and make a difference, even if it's just by making people smile and sing along.
Welcome to my profile. I'm Melna, from France. I provide electronic music for games, videos or movies. Trained audio engineer, I can also do mixing and mastering.
I've produced "AA" by Isaiah Rashad, "Mexico" by PNL (triple platinum album in France) and many many more.
Do you need a melodic, groovy, original bassline for your song? Or are you just looking for something simple to hold down the beat? Do you need it to be done fast and sound great? I am the Bassman!
I've been singing and writing for years but recently decided to make it a career. Help me make a living at what I frikin love!!!!! I will not let you down. In the samples you will hear more folk-soul sound but don't let that fool you into thinking that's all I can do. Send me requests for rock, belt-pop and ballads too!!!
3 Decades of working in the audio industry. The only job I've ever had. Have worked with local portland up and coming bands and also many major label artists.
Recent Successes
"Really professional!! Great Musician!!"
"This was my first song with Chuck Sabo. Without hesitation, it was a 5-star... I should have said a 6-star online drum session. Chuck is a very friendly person to collaborate with and above all an amazing professional..."
"Kia is awesome! She fixed an issue in my vocal track (feedback from the mic) that I was told couldn't be fixed. She not only reduced the 'static' sound, but was able to get rid of it completely! She's a genius! I'm so..."
"Working with Matthew is the best decision I ever made! His drums are creative and serve every song perfectly! Matthew really found the perfect drum sound for this song and with the perfect energy to elevate the song t..."
"Always a great experience working with John. I love how he pulls from a wide range of musical influences to help me find the right fit for a song. He's NEVER wrong! "
"incredible incredible! "
"Wow! Highly professional, super production. Zorro brought the song to live and elevated it. Super nice to work with! Nailed it!"
"Jay is a very cooperative and dedicated to the project. Provides a professional mix and communication is very smooth. Succes guaranteed with this guy!"
"Working with Ashley was nothing short of AMAZING. Extremely professional, superb quality, and I will definitely work with Ashley again. One of the best singers on this platform, if not the best."