Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with STXLUS
Your vision is my vision. Let's elevate your track to a polished, radio-ready piece
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I'll glue the rhythm and harmony of your song or project together with a killing bass track.
Do you need an epic electronic score for your film? A heartfelt opening song for your ad? Or a sweetner of a track to add emotion to the background of your video? Then look no further. I am the audio architect behind Mark Mothersbaugh's sound from The Lego Movie to Thor Ragnarok. I have helped Mark reach his sound since 2012 and I can help you too.
Academic Helper
Hi! I'm here to help you get your songs over the finishing line to a standard that you are thrilled about. I've been working professionally as a music creative for 20 years and can provide my services as a songwriter, guitarist, singer and bass player. Get in touch for a chat about what you need.
I have a ton of real world experience on both the artist side, and the industry side, and I'd love to work with you on your next project.
Hello! I am a mixing engineer and if you are planning on releasing a single or an album I can mix your multi-track to a final stereo file. I love and work with all genres of music and I am not a gear-geek guy, but instead I like focusing on the music and bringing out the emotions!
M.M. Music Production from Berklee College of Music. Innovative and results driven audio professional specializing in the fields of sound design, production, recording, mixing, and mastering.
Recent Successes
"Sarah was absolutely great with her communication skills, enthusiasm for the work and her swift delivery of the recordings. She has a nice voice, but there was some issues regarding pitch & recording quality. With mor..."
"For the fourth time now, Anthony has produced INCREDIBLE results! Again, he took our scratch and transformed it into a track that now has a chance out there (in the big and crowded world of songwriting). We imagine th..."
"More great work with tuning and timing corrections. Thanks."
"It is 40 years that I work as a composer in the music industry and I can tell you that Ruby is a very talented professional musician. She wrote beautiful lyrics and she did a great vocal track with excellent backgroun..."
"All I can say is WOW. Brandon really delivers. I needed some vocals for a track and he came through in a big way. I'd definitely recommend Brandon to anyone who needs some next level melody writing and singing. The vo..."
"Delightful to work with - incredibly fast delivery, intuitive and charming interpretation of material and, best of all, receives revisions, bangs them out with no fuss, on point and nails them first time. Charlie Copp..."
"Julian's masters are fantastic. I promise you won't be disappointed."
"During all the years I've worked with Austin he has continued to prove why he's the best. I appreciate his patience & hard work, thank you Austin!"
"Every time I need mastering, I hire Gabe. He's the best I found and he always brings my songs to the next level with his final touch :) "