Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Stryper
I'm a Boston based passionate touring FOH engineer, production manager, and live recording engineer. I'm focused on providing cutting edge technology, efficient and agile production, and dedicated, personalized customer service. Experienced with touring worldwide, from small clubs up to the largest festivals and arenas.
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I'm a Boston based passionate touring FOH engineer, production manager, and live recording engineer. I'm focused on providing cutting edge technology, efficient and agile production, and dedicated, personalized customer service. Experienced with touring worldwide, from small clubs up to the largest festivals and arenas.
Hi! My name is Gunther Mattner and i'm a 29 years old guy from Germany who is in love with all kinds of music.
I am a 25 year old vocalist from the Boston area with many years of experience. I recently sang a 20 minute spot in front of 25,000 people and I'm currently working on my debut album. I have about 10-15 radio stations globally playing my debut single "Owe It To You".
Local engineer looking to world with wonderful talent across the globe.
My passion is studio creativity. I can do full track production, songwriting, top lining, lyric writing, drum programming, keys/synth programming etc. Let me know where you want me involved and I'm happy to help.
"SERVING the Song!" - let's make it the best song it can be! Get your song to sound close to your fave Artists! I use & love reference tracks! Latest Analogue Hybrid Mastering and Processing to really give you a track that exudes warmth and quality!
Mastering mixing recording
Thanks for clicking in! I'm a gold awarded mixing and mastering engineer from Germany. I worked with artists across many genres like Lord Of The Lost (Dark Rock/Metal), VNV Nation (Synth Pop/Electro), KMFDM (Industrial legends), Swiss & Die Andern (Rap-Punk), Nino D'Angelo (Rock/Schlager) and many more.
Recent Successes
"great service. He's a very patient man, with vast knowledge on his craft. i learned so much working with him, and he seemed like he didn't mind teaching an empty headed young pupil like me how things work. in the end ..."
" Beautiful voice and also you did a great job with this song as well. Thanks so much. "
"Amazing industry insight. The best"
"Working with Sophia was super easy, fast, freindly and very professional. Good pitch, She can provide high quality vocals! Will surely contact her again for future projects. "
"Absolutely nailed the mix and mastering! The track is elevated in every way possible and I am going to continue to send my tracks to Matt for mixing and mastering!"
"So glad I connected with my guy Rocki, this last record was no joke between between working with vocals, raps, a bad sequenced beat. And Rocki pulled off some magic always appreciate the energy and quality support!"
"Chris was very communicative and kind. He was serious about catching my vision and ensuring we were headed in the right direction every step in the way! He was as excited about my project as I was! Definitely recommen..."