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Stoughton Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I have been a musician for over 20 years and have been recording, mixing and mastering music for about 10 years. I play drums (20 years xp), Guitar (8 years xp) and write and produce my own music and other artists. I have mixed everything from country to heavy metal. I am obsessed with getting "IT" ( everything musical)perfect!
Gabe Esparza is a two-time LATIN GRAMMY nominated recording engineer, mixer, and producer from El Paso, Texas. He is a CRAS recording school graduate with over 18 years of experience working within various genres of music in the US and Latin America. His major label credits include Juan Gabriel, Danna Paola, Midland, and Miguel.
Royal Riff Raff Recording Studio has been producing satisfied clients throughout Los Angeles. They are experienced and talented music producers with knowledge of the industry and the latest trends.
Based in Southend Essex, Bleeding Ear Studios has 3 acoustically designed rooms, each equipped with a drum kit, 2 guitar amps, a bass amp and a PA with as many microphones as you need for your rehearsal. The recording studio is based around a 40 channel A&H Saber console and Pro Tools HD, and a producer/engineer with over 16 years experience.
I build music, from NY and beyond
Graduate of SAE Institute with a degree in audio technology. I'm a musician and audio engineer ready to do what I love and help people sound good at what they do.
I can give you mixes that have helped me attract attention of labels and respected industry figures. As a songwriter and artist myself, I know how to respect the dynamic between artist and engineer. We can discuss any points and ideas regarding the mix and how it should feel against the rough mix.
Every artist deserves great sound. If you have a great song and it’s just not sounding quite how it sounded in your head, we can make it sound even better than you imagined it could.
Recent Successes
"I highly recommend working with Austin. He is amazing! 5-stars!"
"5 stars! Cheers"
"A great experience with Danny! He understood the landscape of our project and nailed it. High quality deliverables and an awesome experience all around. Thanks for the killer horns, we are looking forward to another c..."
"to say Julia is fantastic is an understatement! she is so good, thoughtful, with an incredibly precise, clean sound. and she knows how to give a song what it needs."
"It was a pleasure to work with Brian. He helped us with his knowledge on mixing and did a great job on the mastering. We will continue to work with him!"
"Another bona fide cracker from Ziv!! I love working with this kind man and adore everything he brings to a track. So, lets do another one tomorrow!lol"
"I'll admit, hiring a mixing engineer online gave me some doubts. Though I have had friends who have had there respective successes with using 3rd party engineers which naturally drew me toward giving Soundbetter's pla..."
"Enguerrand took my tracks to the next level and couldn’t have been easier to work with! He is a true pro and his talented. He turned goods songs into great ones ! Highly recommend taking him on as a producer!"