Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with stop making sense
If you are seeking a sound that is quite different then everyone else, i just might be your guy. It's all about the ears and the ability to create from within whilst tuning out all the copycats.
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If you are thinking cello - I have been recording remotely since 2014 for international clients writing and recording cello arrangements for songs and soundtracks. I run Logicpro XL I hope you enjoy the extracts included on the showreel
Quick, affordable, artist-friendly engineer. Your music is my reputation. And I don’t play with either.
Career singer, instrumentalist and producer Steve Maggiora now on SoundBetter!
🤜🏼 We create original Beats and Instrumentals for rappers and singers. 🏄🏼♀️Non-Exclusive and Exclusive options 🔥 Get in touch!
Video Productions, Audio Productions, Software. Technical Solutions for Live and Studio in Sound and Picture. Fine Arts Exhibitions, Live Music, Studio Recordings, Video Shootings & Editing, LED-Technology
In need of *the* catchiest topline melody paired with some relatable lyrics? You've come to the right place..... Check out the songs I've written here: https://open.spotify.com/track/5fWFKbJjf2RDuTEomNEGJJ?si=326d62ca6d7a4f7c
Producer/beatmaker from Colombia. good listener, great taste, resourceful and really hungry to make good music. Productor de reggaeton y dancehall nacido en Colombia. buen gusto, eficiente, recursivo y con hambre de hacer buena musica
Recent Successes
"Jessie nailed the vocal I was seeking for my song. She has great intonation and phrasing, and she really added the right character to the vocal track. Her engineer, Rob deserves kudos as well. They are both attentive ..."
"Quick turnaround and very professional quality stems "
"Simply amazing! I've been a fan of Jeff's work over the years. So when I got a chance to work with him, I jumped on it. And he delivered. I left him a fairly open field to work with, and relied on his taste, and e..."
"Working with Carter was a blast, he was more than willing to implement several small changes to the master that I asked for, and I ended up with a polished track that sounded exactly as I heard it in my head while pro..."
"This the third 2CD Vincent has mastered for me, the result, as always, is beyond my already very high expectations. Crisp, posh and professionell production. Speedy delivery on top of that for a fair price. Highly re..."
"Talented and honest writer! Really looking forward to our next collaboration :)"
"Nailed it once again. The song sound professional, Theodor was helpful every step on the way and gave the song the much-needed punch. Will hire again!"
"Fantastic and unique up and coming talent- great to work with"
"Alex is a fantastic drummer who demonstrates an extremely ingenious technique with excellent timing and great innovative ideas. The communication works flawlessly; he doesn't hesitate to get in touch with you and to h..."