Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Steve Grissette
I've been a professional guitarist for the past decade and have played with Grammy award winning artists. I'm now working as a music producer in House/Dance/Pop music. A highlight in my new career as a music producer has been working with Jordan Grace (who has worked with some of the world's greats, including Martin Garrix). I can produce anything
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Hey world, My name is William "Moody" Moody Jr. I'm a music producer and engineer out of the city of Evansville,Indiana. I been taking my craft serious for the past 8yrs and continue to grow my skills and learn. If you need a hit record, or professional mixing and mastering, I'm that guy!
Guy living in southern Sweden and working as a Audio-Producer for a major Production company focusing on Speaker voices. Looking for an outlet for my passion for working with music, bands and artists since I'm mainly doing stuff for commercials and web films.
Hi , My name is Rafael , im a Sound engineer
PRODUCCION-GRABACION ( Luciano Pereyra, Ismael Serrano; Axel , Soledad etc) Percusionista y Baterista , Arreglador. Creó Laubril Music laboratorio para producción, grabación de baterías y percusiones para muchísimos proyectos. Creador de Beats y Loops con instrumentos creados x el y audios propios !! Perkut0r Loops !!! Producción para tu music
Singer & Songwriter. Happy & Dreamy vibes. Chill House, Deep House
Rock Pop Musician, Beatmaker, Producer, Mix&Master.
Max Mayers has over 15 years of experience as a Producer, Writer, Composer Mix and Engineer in the music industry under many aliases. I pay huge attention to detail in making sure you get the sound YOU want!
I am an independent producer looking to expand within this area, creating custom productions for my clients.
Recent Successes
"Always love working with Matt. Great guy and great results!"
"Dani was awesome to work with! We recorded a lot of great vocal takes for the lead vocals, harmonies, and ad libs. We also recorded the lead vocals sung in different octaves as well. She is an excellent vocalist, was ..."
"Did a fantastic job bringing me professional smooth jazz/funk tracks and was very easy to work with. Timely responses and was flexible despite delays on deliverables I needed to accomplish. Highly recommend and contin..."
"Rob was very professional in our conversations and always went out of his way to clear up any confusion I may have had with extreme detail. The end product from both the mix and master was exceptional and exactly what..."
"Daniel's vocals are top notch! We did 3 songs and completed it within 1 week +. Turnaround is so quick and is the kindest to communicate with! Drop him a message before you regret not working with him!"
"Ben is just all around excellent! Extremely professional, helpful, and skilled. He took my request and exceeded every expectation I asked for. Could not have asked for a better experience. Thx Ben!"
"Wow! I'm absolutely blown away by Kinnie on all fronts. Working with her was an absolute pleasure—she's incredibly professional, talented, and creative. She not only helped bring the project to life but elevated it to..."
"Chris rocks In my experience a one shot mix - gets mix right on first pass Highly recommend"