Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Stafford James
I am a professional trumpet player who feels at home playing Jazz/funk music as well as eastern Makam and Balkan improvisations.
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Recording, mixing, and live sound engineer with a BA in audio Engineering. You can find out more at my website below. MikeTappero.com
No Use, No Fee. Choose a Modern Ambient Artist to Score your next Project. I have over 12 years experience in Audio Engineering and am a highly Professional, Attentive and Dedicated Worker. I enjoy working in and am open to all genres and believe I break the monotonous format currently in the industry, making unique honest and true soundtracks.
For that punchy sound without losing headroom and flavor, specialized in lively recordings, drummer, music producer, arranger and recording engineer Tuto Ferraz will deliver a pro sound with great musicality. Banda BlackRio, Fernanda Abreu, Seu Jorge, Lino Krizz (Racionais MC), Toninho Horta, are among his clients both as a drummer and engineer.
Certified engineer available for your Beat Making, Mixing & Mastering, sound design ... Soon opening first Recording venue.
Producer with remix specialty in Soul and R&B genres. Session DJ and sound design.
Been producing, mixing and mastering my own work for about 20 years but i'm also a proud graduate from Restart Academy Porto and have since started working for other people... My goal is to make your songs come alive and radio-ready!
France Top 40 Songwriter & Dance Music Producer | Apple Digital Master Certified Provider | Over 10 Years Experience | UK Top 60 Dance Charting Producer | Independent Record Label Boss
I'm a producer, mixer and recording engineer based in London, UK. I am proficient in Logic Pro which I use to record and mix songs and also FL Studio which I use for some production. I have multiple industry credits producing for French The Kid, Abra Cadabra, Shemara London and more.
Recent Successes
"Lucas surpassed expectations, delivering a great production with a quick turnaround. Deliverables were well organized. Sent me a weird post about salami lids, too. Has a beard and can play piano. Is fluent with progra..."
"Nate communicates fast, provides professional service, completed the job quick, and delivered amazing sounding drums for my track. Looking forward to working with him again. "
"I gave Sade the freedom to create and boy did she hit it perfect. I will be back for more. Love her creativity and ability to be free and create. "
"Bram is a legend... Really looking forward to rockin projects out together for a very long time to come. Cheers!"
"Amazing job. He delivered a great first take, and then took my feedback for the revision and it was just what I had in mind. "
"My 3rd song with David - this one has really met all my expectations. David's easy to work with, gives great advice and goes the extra mile to make everything polished and perfect in the end. He also has the connectio..."
"Andres' masters are always very balanced, polished and smooth. He's also very helpful with his comments and willing to adapt his work based on your feedback."
"In building this special project, Chris is an exceptional help in bringing my vision to light. I enjoy working with Chris because he is easy to work with and provides good results. He has provided an excellent track a..."
"T. Kelley delivered an outstanding voice track for my song! Highly appreciated, I would work with him again! "