Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Spiritual Lyric Sound
Hey! I'm Kiff. producer, mixer and beatmaker from Ecuador. I specialize in producing modern sounding urban and pop songs with electronic, guitar, and modern influences for artists and songwriters from all over the world, while always staying true to the artists vision for the song.
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If you need vocals for a demo, I'm your guy. quick turn-around & willing to go the extra mile to ensure returning clientele.
Brands such as Tesla, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz, Adidas, Omega, and top-charting artists have already chosen my services. If you're seeking exceptional quality and punctuality, DM me and I'll respond promptly. -World Guinness Record "Highest Dj Set on Land" -1st Place 2018 Puremix Mixing Contest Ryan Hewith / The Lumineers - Angela
Bass player for Mark Forster, Sarah Brightman, Helene Fischer, Chuck Loeb, Jennifer Paige, Jazzanova, Lui Hill, Gregorian, Santiano, Tim Bendzko, Pohlmann, The Kelly Family, Howard Carpendale, Henrik Freischlader, Paul Stanley, Leslie Clio, Unheilig, Howard Carpendale, Cassandra Steen, Nils Wülker, ...
I’m an expert with a sound obsession.
I have worled with big artist Like Vigro Deep
Hi, I am general deep house producer. I am open to any collaborations.
¡Creo éxitos urbanos!, Para Que Las Personas Disfruten Y tengan Un Recuerdo Del Arte Musical.
Classically trained vocalist of 13 years with a degree in Audio Engineering. I have a comprehensive understanding of the recording, singing, and production process of music and am ready to work with you! My voice has a wide range of capabilities, and I can sing in many genres such as Indie, Pop, RnB, EDM, Folk, even Classical.
Recent Successes
"Working with Rachel was a pleasure! Professional, fast and an amazing voice! "
"Did a great job communicating. Andres listened to various mixes and was honest in letting me know if he could help the sound or not before having me start the project. I appreciate his professionalism and the final pr..."
"I´m really happy with Miguel´s Job again! It´s sounding great, a good relation between dynamics and volume. We have got more definition in our mix!! He was quick and polite. Thanks Miguel!"
"Super, super talented. It was an amazing experience to work with Myah! Definitely going to work with her on future tracks!"
"Serouj is Fantastic!. He created well thought-out lyrics from scratch and recorded them in a quick and efficient manner. He is a great performer with a wide range of vocal capabilities. I have several projects in m..."
"Amazing work from Ryan who always cares to put his best foot forward on all he does. Highly recommend for anyone looking for quality horns!"
"Was surprised by how great of a job he did mastering my song! Will be using his services going forward 👌"
"Alan has always been great to work with! Great mastering job and super communicative!"