Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Spiritchaser
Over 25 chart topping years and counting mixing, mastering, producing, remixing, performing and songwriting for independent and major artists, record labels/publishers.
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Latin American music specialist with deep roots and antennas for the world. Versatile Musical Production, ITB Mix, Composition, Multi-Instrumentalist.
Happily producing & engineering for clients worldwide from Los Angeles for the past decade.
I am an award-winning lyricist and composer. In 2019, I was the Grand Prize Winner of The John Lennon International Songwriting Competition in the jazz category. I have a PhD in Literature and Philosophy from Duke University. I love music. I love people. I love life.
I will Professionally Mix your song for radio or streaming ready play.
Audio sculptor. Audio engineer and multi-instrumentalist; Co-owner of a studio in México City "Pedro y el Lobo".
I'm a Pop Producer/Singer/Songwriter that specializes in producing full radio ready modern indie pop tracks, providing my unique voice, or my prolific songwriting to your track.
Working out of his own studio, Fireside Studios, Wesley Rast is a top call for reggae drums, world percussion, and musician for dance in the greater Philadelphia area, with extensive experience in live drum/percussion tracking, as well as dub remixing and as a music producer.
Multi-Instrumentalist and Producer specializing in Pop, Pop-Rock, and Country production. Available for Full tracks or individual instrument tracking.
Recent Successes
"I was a little apprehensive about working with Maor at first, not because the quality wasn't there, but because there were no references that were quite in the genre I was working in (a real mix of electronic and orga..."
"Pow pow pow. Bea was just incredible, amazing. No words to describe the quality of the work. Recording at the best level, vocal arrangements wonderful and superb fresh voice. We will, no doubt, work again soon."
"Excellent piece of work - really made this project a masterpiece. Mixing and remixing the way I like! Also came with important inputs and suggestions. Will definitely work again with Markus."
"Denny is one of the most talented singers i've met. He is working with passion and brings all his feelings to the music. I really enjoyed working with him and his sense of music and melody is overwhelming. I can only ..."
"Once again perfectly what I was looking for! It wasn't a long track, but her viola play made it incredible nonetheless! Top quality, very quick, looking forward to work with Maria again!"
"Another amazing job, both vocals and production! Rudiger is awesome to work with and continues to bring a whole new level of experience to the project. Can't wait to start the next song!"
"Fili is a true artist! He masters not only technically, but also very sensitively. Great communication and punctuality. I HIGHLY recommend him to everyone."
"Kramer is extremely professional and knowledgeable, with incredibly fast response times in regards to messages and the mastered tracks themselves."