Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Spiegelworld
For over the past decade, I've worked professionally as both a live and studio engineer for professional entities such as Cirque Du Soleil, Spiegelworld, Andrea Bocelli, Broadway, and much more. Now residing in Reno, NV, let Desert Soundworks help facilitate your sonic needs!
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I produce pop, indie, and Americana songs at an affordable rate from my home studio 20 minutes from downtown Nashville. Every day I help artists realize their creative dreams and bring their music to life like they never imagined!
We are the mixing and mastering company for worldwide known labels and artists and our works have been filling up clubs and pumping up chests all over the world with them.
I work mostly with independent artists who are focused on growing their identity and developing their own niche with their music.
For over the past decade, I've worked professionally as both a live and studio engineer for professional entities such as Cirque Du Soleil, Spiegelworld, Andrea Bocelli, Broadway, and much more. Now residing in Reno, NV, let Desert Soundworks help facilitate your sonic needs!
I'm a producer and multi-instrumentalist in Brighton, UK. 18 years production experience, specializing in Pop and Alternative music and Rock. Featured music on MTV, CMT, and more. I want to take your musical idea and help you transform it into a recorded work of art. I will give your tracks that magic touch for radio airplay.
Let me help you create the perfect guitar parts or complete production to your song!
Soy un Artista & Productor Musical Independiente.
Recent Successes
"Marcello is a great singer and very easy to work with"
"The only thing that could rival Jessie’s talent is her work ethic. Correspondence with her was both comfortable and clear. Her promptness and attentiveness made this process feel more like creating and less like actua..."
"Really enjoyed working with Vin, one of the legends of the 80s music bass scene. He brought all his experience and melodic chops to my song and nailed a couple of awesome bass lines, one fretless and one fretted, whic..."
"Arron was a pleasure to work with. He brings imagination to the work that he does while also being very professional. He was timely and stayed in communication throughout the process. Highly recommended."
"Darrell and I are always on the same page, that's why he's my go to guy. Top notch every time. "
"Working with Kuyano was a great experience professionally and sonically. Kuyano will take your music to new heights and you will be surprise to hear your songs after, they will sound epic! "
"Really enjoyed Kate's vocals; she is an amazingly talented professional singer who goes above and beyond to deliver quality results for your track; adlibs / harmonies / etc; you won't be disappointed! "
"Austin is a true pro! He did a great job mixing and mastering my song. The result is so polished! "
"Marco literally never lets me down. A True Musician and at this point a good friend! He is quick to respond and deliver, a great communicator and all in just a great friend of music and art. I can't thank Him enough!!..."