Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sound of memories
Wanna get the best sound you ever wanted to your music ? My studio is open to everyone who wants to collaborate with a passionnate sound egineer !
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derSOUND is the brainchild of Christian Menzel, award-winning composer and sound designer with over 15 years of experience, an infectious passion for musical storytelling & sound branding, and a studio located in Berlin-Mitte. We all know that good music is what makes life worth living. No need to tell you about the emotional power of sound either.
Undiscovered talent. I can put out quality bars quickly on the lyrics front. Tons of experience. Love to get on some tracks.
Music Mixing, Music Production, Professional Recording Services, Project Studio, Rehearsal Studio, Webcast Studio, Voice-over Services,
From Commercials to Netflix. I'm a one stop shop for scoring music for tv, film and games.
A male singer with a female colour. control falsettos for Thom Yorke/Rhye style and can also do high pitch Rocknroll voice. A music producer mainly in Electronic Folk style, Poolside like, 100bpm atmosphere electronic, with electric/acoustic guitar leaks and hooks that contributes the liveness of the songs. https://open.spotify.com/artist/76TkzrLBx
I have began being a musician when I started playing the piano at the age of 4. After going through a Russian conservatory where I learned how to perform and learn music theory. I then moved to Berlin to study music full time and after graduation I have opened my own studio where I can work with the best of the best.
Mixing and mastering engineer with more than 10 years of experience. I worked for companies and brands like HBO, Electronic Arts, Coca Cola, Arte Tv.
Recent Successes
"Great singer, outstanding performance and generally nice guy to work with"
"It is always a pleasure working with Larry!!"
"Will did a fantastic job on blues harmonica for me. He managed to 100% serve me right in sound, mood and style. Did exactly what I desired and what was needed for that particular song. Quick delivery time too: only a..."
"HiteeSticks was very fluent and quick to get back to me. Thanks to him I was able to get my song to where it needed to be and it paid off. If you need good quality and arrangement, this is the right musician to go to."
"More quality work from Steve, a man of few words and a great deal of talent!"
"No problem whatsoever! quick and grate communications.. A good musician and mixer engineer.."
"I can always trust Mark's work. Surprises me with how great the masters sound like. Feels that my hard work in producing and mixing was worth it when master sounds great. "
"Everything Sean touches just turns into a banger, extremely talented and always a pleasure to work with. 11/10 work always"