Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Soulsdeathcult
Send me the raw multi-tracks for your songs and I'll make them sound clean and balanced, regardless of whether you recorded them yourself or in a professional studio. Let's work together to make your songs the best they can possibly be!
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songwriter, composer, sound engineer, session guitarist, producer with 20 years of industry experience, lately sound engineer at XOYO, London
Sound Engineer with proven experience in the music industry willing to participate in all sorts of projects.
Over 20 years of experience
My name is Giancarlo and I'm a Brooklyn, NY based audio engineer with over 10 years of experience. I'd like to get to know you, your project and goal. I specialize in Indie Dance/Nu-Disco tracks and but happy to work in any genre. I'm excited to hear your music and thrilled to start helping you reach your vision.
Main skills are top-lining and lyric writing, I can do basic cleanup and vocal arrangments if requested.
Professional singer for 14+ yrs, been touring as a professional singer all around the world (China, Spain, Dominican Republic etc.) and worked with artists like Candy Dulfer. I've been writing toplines for several dj's and recorded a lot of (backing) vocals for Dutch famous artists. Let's make your vision a reality!!
Se hai registrato il tuo brano e ti serve fare mixing e mastering, non ti fare problemi a contattarmi, sono sempre disponibile, Invece se vuoi registrare il tuo brano da me, puoi contattarmi via Email per avere un appuntamento
Recent Successes
"Andrew is a terrific singer! He is absolutely professional. Everything worked perfectly, very smooth communication and very quick turnaround. However, most important, the vocals were matching our song perfectly and t..."
"Christa is an excellent vocalist, this is the second project with her and the quality of work is again, really high. Communication is important and she keeps you updated with drafts to make sure your vision for the pr..."
"Brett rocks! He gave my song the power and energy it deserved. His ideas and playing performance was top notch. Thanks man. "
"Amazing job! Chris is a talented musician, and I’ve loved working with him! I’ll work again with him soon, for sure! Thank you so much "
"Great work as always, really appreciate Matt being so willing to go the extra mile and make things as good as possible. His knowledgeable use of analog gear on the mix bus brought everything to a new level of warm dep..."
"Great job! Great voice!"
"This is literally the best engineering anyone would could ask for. Fast turnaround. Quick response time and willing to do whatever it takes to get you the mix you are looking for!"
"Sasha is very professional and skilled. He has managed to give my compositions the final cream. Not too little, not too much. Just right. And then he is super nice and communicates clearly. 5 out of 5 stars for Sasha."
"Rob is a real pro, it sounds exactly how I wanted it. He’s a legend "