Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with sony music africa
I wrote sang and mixed the album (SOUNDMAN VOL.2) that was an afrobeat hit in Africa I write radio ready material for artists, producers, businesses, movie producers, etc. I am a singer/songwriter with over 7 years of experience, who has recorded hundreds of musical projects for myself and others.
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Hi, my name is Mike Wayne the owner of Mike Wayne Productions. I have been doing music for almost 20 years now, starting with sax, to guitar then becoming a hiphop artist which got me to tour most of the USA with such artist like Kayne West, Ne-Yo, n many more. After the stage I began to produce n engineer my own records n others like Jarren Benton
I strive to be the guy, (where in this day in age where everyone can get a laptop and software), who takes pride in the art of mixing, and can give my clients a lifelong physical and audible memory of the amazing music they created. I’m a bass player and engineer, let’s connect to take your music to the next level.
I've been producing music for over 10 years and have accumulated over 10000 followers towards my music. I can produce any style of music and deliver quality content. My sound design is my best credit as it is unlike any other.
Specialize in powerful, emotional vocals. Mostly experienced in Rock and Metal, but am open to other genres. Clean vocals only.
I have contributed to over 1,000 productions in the past 10 years, specializing in creative mixing and performance post-production. Let’s collaborate to achieve top-tier results!
Professional quality mixing, mastering, and podcast editing.
Violinist, violist, guitarist, and arranger who has performed and recorded with John Cale, Lizzo, Durand Jones and the Indications, Aaron Frazer, Iris Dement, The Hot Sardines and Lady Lamb, and has extensive experience in film scoring, branded content, and commercial music.
Radio ready Mixing, Mastering and Production of modern Pop Music
Recent Successes
"The quality of work was beyond my request. Catherine knows and understands the musical ideas presented to her. Great communication, very very professional and fast work. Highly recommended!!! "
"as always - great job and super fast delivery."
"Nice vocalist and good and fast work! robbies future looking good i say"
"I just wanted to say that if you're looking for someone who hands down makes amazing beats along with production and all the other options you have to choose from BeatsMadebyFresh is your guy. He really surprised me ..."
"Wow, Jessie has a such a powerful voice, it‘s incredible! From low to hi, from quiet to loud, she can do everything with a top, top, top performance and recording quality in only a few days! I take my hat off. This tr..."
"Working with Shelley was my first introduction to seeking professional vocal for my music. Not only was she super responsive and not only were her vocals superlative, but her understanding of what I was seeking (mood,..."
"She is a genius with enough experience and professionalism. I am enjoy her work very much and is quite efficient! : )"