Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sonsored Content
With 16 years of drumming experience and nearly a decade of music production experience, I can provide the sound that you're looking for. I play and produce jazz, rock, funk, metal, and more.
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Creative mxing & mastering engineer, producer you can trust. Expert in Hip-Hop, R&B, Indie, and fresh hip-hip subgenres like speedtrap, hyperpop, drill & emo rap.
Songs that were produced and engineered by me have over millions of streams and received listeners from over 81 countries.
Welcome to the page of Intellectualsdeck Reviews. We do editing and proofreading.
Quality is king. If you need that final touch to make your dream a reality join us for the ride. We specialize in all listed above. Credits can speak volumes but results speak louder. Is it just a dream or you want it to be your reality?
Hello Guys, I am David and I love exploring new places. If you are also a travel lover then you can message me.
Steve Kornicki is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer and arranger available for studio tracks and sessions. He specializes in fretless bass, nylon guitar, keyboards, MIDI orchestrations, mixing, and original music. He has performed all over the U.S. and his original music has been heard in hundreds of films, TV programs and ads.
Genre-defying soundscapes/productions that captivate and move listeners.
Recent Successes
"Dave did an amazing job remixing one of my tracks. He brought the song to a whole other level and genre. I'd sent him the stems from the track and he came up with an entirely new instrumental that perfectly captured t..."
"I really enjoy working with Michael. He has great instincts as a drummer. The communication was great and the performance was awesome. Will definitely be calling on him for future projects."
"If you want a high quality studio sound, Amir is your guy! Not only can he mix and master your track to make it sound ready for radio, but also has a sharp ear for production if you feel your track is missing something! "
"Patrick is very talented and versatile, my experience with him has always been positive and creative. As busy as he is, he found time to lay some nice keyboard on my song. (look out Mr. Glasper) Looking forward to our..."
"Ricky continues to impress and he delivers some well planned and professionally executed productions, always on time! Great work yet again and more tasks to come from here!"
"It has been a great experience working with Matt, he's a talented mixing engineer who's really easy to communicate with. I'll come back for future songs for sure."
"One of the common denominators of every hit song is a highly sought after, exceptional producer. Austin is that person. His attention to detail and passion for your vision sets him above the rest. He consistently d..."