Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sonic Wax
Zenith Mastering AKA A Sides - London based music producer with over 30 years experience specialising in mixing and mastering dance music using the finest hybrid analogue technology.
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Weingärtner Music Productions: Solutions for music creation, recording, mixing, distribution and live sound.
Hi! I am Riccardo Tisbo from Italy, 22 years old. I studied at APM (Alto Perfezionamento Musicale) School also graduated from the high school as an expert in electronics and telecommunications. I play drums since I was 16 years. I have got a project studio and possibility of an high end studio too.
Guaranteed impactful production quality. Vocal precisions in both leads and Harmonies.
I am a studied singer and songwriter with over 10 years of studio and live experience. I have a soft, edgy voice that I can adjust to fit the style you want and record it professionally in my studio. I have a music production and sound engineering degree. As a songwriter-producer I am happy to take your demos and turn them into a full production.
Independent musician from New York State
The discriminating marijuana lover has been long past due for the most elegant and luxurious smoking equipment that will benefit their refined taste.
Find your sound with flyCOOPER!
I'm a singer/songwriter and top-liner who has been singing for over 10 years. The genres I primarily sing are rnb/soul, pop, jazz, k-pop, and Neo-soul. I was a part of a Traveling Church Choir & Choral Choir, which allowed me to explore classical and gospel/hymns music. I've sung at music conferences/banquets/churches/festivals & special events.
Recent Successes
"Lost count of how many projects I've worked with Paul on. The reason I keep coming back is simple: quality outcomes, care and attention to detail, going the extra mile, and all that for a price that is beyond value-fo..."
"Flawless work and a very quick turnaround time! Definitely plan on continued work with David 🤙"
"Great at working collaboratively and helping me to achieve a specific sound. Patient, and just overall great to work with!"
"Beautiful tone. Got exactly what I asked for. Could not be happier with Claude. Easy all the way around. Will be using him again for sure. "
"I am very impressed with the level of professionalism and quality of work that Mark delivered. He was able to accommodate our needs and understand our expectations despite project complexity. Indeed, he contributed a ..."
"Simply the best 👌"
"He never goes wrong! I always get very high quality work. 5/5 stars"
"Mariano did another exceptional job on my song, Lita, composing an exquisite string arrangement and even finding me a guitar player that played so beautifully I'm having him play on more of my songs. Mariano has done ..."
"I refuse to believe there are more than a handful of singers in Nashville who can match the rare talent of Molly. I love working with her, she is a real professional and a very rare talent."
"Tout est parfait, Elisa est très investie et a même ajoutée ses propres idées pertinentes à l'enregistrement. "