Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Somen
My music gets played on the biggest festivals in the world.
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I once won a music competition by flipping my cello and playing it like a guitar. Imagine where that level of pizzaz can take your music.
Pro mixes on an indie budget. I take the time to address every detail.
I've mixed & mastered everything from 3 minute pop songs to multi-hour synth noise odysseys. Whether your tunes sound like Beyoncé or Philip Glass I've worked on something similar and will take the time to understand your goal and make your song sound the best it can.
I am a professional music producer, vocalist, songwriter, mix & mastering engineer, engineer, artist, DJ and musician.
Songwriting, Melody/Hook Writing, Lyrics, Vocal Tracking, awesomeness
"I'm your Sonic sidekick"
Olá, estou aqui para que sua música atinja seus objetivos de forma profissional trabalhando de forma amigável e atenciosa. MIX e MASTER TOP 1 mais de 160 milhões em streams/plays no Spotify, TikTok em faixas mixadas por mim e em grandes selos.
Sou produto musical já faz 4 anos, trabalho em casa usando o programa fl studio, faço diversos tipos de trabalho, inclusive já participei ate de algumas musicas, espero poder ajuda-los nessa nossa grande carreira, um Abraço.
Recent Successes
"Joey Diggs does a great job . He is woriless for me . He will sing my song exactly as i wanted it and imagined it. and he has that radio commercial sound that i always look for in singers Very happy with his..."
"Steve, brings real professionalism and great taste with to the table, not to mention his dedication and patience in the process of production and creativity. If you want to take your music to the next level, I'd highl..."
"Jacob is amazing!!! Incredibly friendly, easy to work with and professional, but that voice though! Incredible artist with some serious talent and skills. He can definitely win a Grammy some day, he's THAT good. I'll ..."
"Arianna is an amazing singer and she has a beautiful voice, she brings ideas and communication with her is great! Delighted to work with her."
"I'm very pleased with the work undy did. She's a talented vocalist and songwriter that I hope to work with again soon! She tracked leads, doubles, harmonies, and ad libs, which gave me a lot to work with for the vo..."
"he's doing a really good job and he was very patient with my revision requests"
"Bram always know exactly what to do with my tracks ! Once again he take my track to another level. Bram is focused on quality and that's why I always work with him"
"Fantastic job once again by Daniel, really attentive to details and brings the music to an incredible whole new level. Amazing work as always!! Thank you very much Daniel!"
"Fili has the sauce ! Very professional and knows his craft! "