Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with @solarbody
Mixer and mastering engineer to make shine your tracks!
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I'm Demarquis Webb, Singer-songwriter, recording engineer and music producer. I have 20+ years of songwriting experience, 15 years of experience in music production and engineering. I've produced records that were released on major recording labels such as Def Jam, Universal, Sony, Slip N Slide and more.
I'm an experienced freelance audio engineer and composer. In 2012 I completed BSc Music Technology with first class honours, in 2016 I completed an Mmus at Newcastle University. I'm also an Avid certified Pro Tools operator
I will do my best to bring your music to sonic perfection.
I can add colors to your music projects bringing about the best production.
A complete package for you picture. Original scores, mixed, and tailored to your budget.
1x South African Music Award nominee 3x South African Hip Hop Award nominee.
From the former drummer of Projekt Recording artists, Lowsunday, All Terrain Vehicles provides mixing for all rock genres. It is also the home of Carol Blaze music and A.T. Vish soundscapes, and music for multimedia on demand.
Articulate mixes from an ear for clarity and impact. I have been mixing music for 20+ years & I've recently getting further into mastering. My strength is in mixing a spectrum from metal to ambient works. I'm building my reputation as a mix engineer with my passion for clarity & making the production tastefully demand the listener's attention.
Recent Successes
"INCREDIBLE! The mixing quality and creativity were exactly what I was wishing for, and I didn't need to say much - it was just spot on from the start. And the few requests that I did ask for were done perfectly and qu..."
"This guy is the best. He is become my to go guy for my masters! Always a good clean job❤️"
"this girl is superstar not even sure if there is more to say except that she really is ,she done vocal and lyrics for my track and to explain , my track are bid different not set in usual style of musical theorem , d..."
"Working with him was crazy. Creativity, seriousness and professionalism are attributes that he does not lack. I was looking for a good singer who could appreciate the importance of creating a friendly and productive r..."
"very good quality ..thank you very very much "
"Andres Mayo is amazing! He does an amazing job mastering and helping me bring my tracks to their full potential BEFORE he masters them. His mix coaching makes all the difference! I've mastered 4 songs with him over..."
"I have really enjoyed working with Keegan. He’s awesome at what he does and I couldn’t be happier with the track he helped me create! Would highly recommend "
"I very much appreciate Paurl’s tireless commitment to getting things the way you want it (even if you don’t always know precisely what you wanted)"