Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SokeThugPro
đź“€ Gold Certified đź“€ Producer, Mixing, and Mastering Engineer with over 30 million streams. Unlimited Free Revisions.
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I'm a 24 year old African Artists, I've made itunes Charts, Spotify playlists. I have social anxiety, but i also have an ear, the skills, 2 Macbook airs, Macbook Pro, Ipad , Logic Pro, ABLETON live, MainStage, GarageBand , Adobe Audition, In-ear monitors Studio Monitors , and a love for music.
years of experience as a producer, beatmaker and mixing engineer.
Im a professionally educated and experienced Audio Engineer and Producer. I've worked in studios all around the state of Florida and the city of Atlanta. I specialize in all types of contemporary music.
Producer, Remixer & Audio Engineer Multi-genre producer with 10+ years of experience in Deep House & EDM production industry.
Tracking Engineer, Mixing (hybrid through 32 channel capi sum bus or ITB), Live Drum Tracking, Mastering, Song Writing, Bass Tracking
I'm a young and dynamic music producer, sound designer and mixing engineer. I do my best to make your music sound as you want it to sound. i'm open to several different projects and ideas, i thrive in a new challenge.
Unlock the future of fashion retail with cutting-edge AI insights that drive sales, enhance customer experience, and revolutionize the shopping journey both online and in-store."
I’m a methodical and diligent music producer inspired by global samples, with jazz as my first love and house as my primary genre. Influenced by Disclosure and Kaytranada, I dive deep into sound design. Let’s collaborate to discover your unique sound, and I’m happy to teach and share our creative process along the way!
Recent Successes
"What can I say, once again Tony delivered a magnificent performance! He is willing to listen to what you say and to fix everything you think should be done differently... Communication was very good and vocals were c..."
"Loved working with Horace, he is a great drummer with a positive attitude. will definitely work with him soon on other projects soon."
"Austin is a great guy to work with. He listens and executes and will continuously do that until you are satisfied. I'd reccomend him to anyone looking to take their music to the next level."
"here is the man I was looking for .. Linus is a really successful master of mastering . thank you for the work you do."
"Leo is a guitar ninja who can play all styles well. And he’s great to work with, too. He’s always experimenting and finding captivating new sounds. "
"Another amazing mix form Matt. Totally banging. Vox, Drums, keys, guitars all sounding stellar on the first mix pass. Small wishlist changes done super fast. Really pleased with he results."
"All i can say is: I'm absolutely satisfied with the result! I'm happy that i chose Bram for mixing and mastering!"
"As usual, Dylan was a pleasure to work with. We tried out different kits and snares for a Squeeze type track. The results were awesome! I will book him again in the near future. "
"Hugo is a pro's pro, delivering his own take but also open to tackling your vision for the song. Highly recommend, and look forward to working with him again!"