Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Smoky Mo
Skilled audio engineer to mix your audio into cohesive modern production of music and vocals!
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I offer a strong understanding of music theory and song arrangement and I am a competent multi-instrumentalist with years of live performance experience. Beyond that I am able to meet tight deadlines with neatly organized deliverables.
Sam Beatch's released music as Neu Balance received critical acclaim and a Resident Advisor album review of 4.1 out of 5 Sam Beatch is the go to Mixing and Mastering engineer for Vancouver's growing Outsider house Electronic Dance Music Community. He is the Mix/Mastering engineer for Isla Records and Budget Cuts records.
Colorado-based producer and songwriter specializing in EDM and pop. 6+ years of experience in music production and 4+ years in lyricism - styles comparable to artists such as Billie Eilish and Brendan Savage.
Rapper and songwriter with over 100 million streams and credits with RCA, Columbia, Warner, etc
"ahhh ahh" Its your favorite artist "Es Dada" i made multiple hits with a unique flow & sound that penetrates the soul, soothing sounds with a variety unlike anything in the rap game and I specialize in an abundance of services from Mixing ,Mastering & producing quality records with astounding results, My main goal is to give back to my community.
Hello! I'm a recent graduate of Berklee College of Music where I earned my AVID Pro Tools certification for mixing and mastering. I am here to help your mixes get that professional sound quality. Also available for mastering services. Thank you!
Recent Successes
"Undeniable talent! Great communicator! 5 star individual! "
"It was a Great Experience working with Silke for this Album we have made. Her voice is lovely for all styles of Music, from high energy to soft emotional stuff! 10/10 One of the Best at her Craft! "
"Eileen was the first singer I worked with and I'm pleased to say she knocked it out of the park! She seems very experienced in this field and not only does she have an excellent voice, she knows how to record, song-wr..."
"Molly is one of those special talents that you don't find often. Her vocal timbre is absolutely lovely. Not enough stars for me to rate her!! Thank you so much!!"
"Another wonderful job adapting her style into a foreign dialect that I bet she has never before heard in her life. Yet she took it on like a Champion and tamed the Ga language. I am pleased indeed with this effort."
"Amazing experience, super in depth feedback and helped my track blossom!!"
"Hugo was a pleasure to work with from start to finish, very quick turn around with getting his parts recorded & was super helpful with guiding us through the process as we'd not used the platform before. We can't wait..."
"Kristian was awesome to work with, I received my masters from him very quickly and he made sure I was happy with everything. He is extremely detail oriented which I always appreciate, very professional and he definite..."