Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Slonely Poet
What’s up everyone! My name is Anthony Church and I’m a music producer and podcast host out of Northeast Ohio! I’ve been actively making music since 2016 and have collaborated with different indie artists around the world. Looking forward to connecting with you and making something great to share with the world!
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We are two guys that enjoy messing around with music. so we decided to create our own home studio...and here we are...we started mixing our own recordings at first. and now we search for other projects to fill our portfolio. so we do everything FOR FREE at the moment...
Over 20yrs experience in audio engineering since 1998. Chair of the Audio Engineering Society DC Section. We specialize in recording mixing and mastering. Our goal to make sure your music is ready for all platforms from radio to digital streaming services. We go by the saying " A master is only as good as its mix". AES DC Chair
GRAMMY Shortlisted for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, Producer of the Year, Best New Artist, Best Engineered Album & Best Electronic Dance Recording.
A seasoned producer, mixing/mastering engineer, writer, and musician with 25 + years’ experience, Ted Richardson has the proficiency, skill, and artistry to help you achieve the sound you are looking for.
I Need Clarity! so if you need clear vocals and kicks that thump or punch, crisp snares and hats/ and a mix thats full, clean and suitable for the Industry then Premium Plus is your go to.
Been producing, mixing and mastering my own work for about 20 years but i'm also a proud graduate from Restart Academy Porto and have since started working for other people... My goal is to make your songs come alive and radio-ready!
Specialized on warm and strong mixes, clear and bright vocals, punchy drums and wide melodies. Mixing and mastering on professional gear. The process is done through 3 different type of equipment so the track is made sure to sound perfect on all speakers (mono & stereo).
Worked with artists signed to Interscope, Warner, Universal and more.
Recent Successes
"This is the third set of beats Roger and I have collaborated on. As with the earlier projects it’s been great working with Roger. He is professional, polite, prompt and out delivers so you can’t ask for much more tha..."
"Amazing voice and person!!! Really professional :D "
"I have heard a lot of voices, especially in my latest project, about 50 auditions and none valid, and then by chance I listened to them ... The guys not only have a beautiful voice and excellent recording quality, the..."
"I am delighted with the final mastered product from Daniel. Throughout the process he was a pleasure to work with and made sure to get the best understanding of the sound I was after before starting the work. He provi..."
"Adam is excellent as always. I'm always impressed with his sense of space and thankful for how collaborative he is. Another one in the bag!"
"Great first collaboration with KC! I hired him to program a complex hip-hop beat and he fulfilled the requirement excellently. And all of this within an extremely short deadline of just a few hours after the request..."
"Sakari did a fantastic job with my modern disco/Doja Cat vibe song. Her voice and background vocals were perfect for this project. She was a pleasure to work with, was accommodating and completed on schedule! Highl..."
"Andres is my go-to mastering engineer, having worked with him multiple times with exceptional results. He is world-class, consistently delivering clarity, depth, and impact to my tracks. His keen ear, attention to det..."