Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with JayTrey
What’s up everyone! My name is Anthony Church and I’m a music producer and podcast host out of Northeast Ohio! I’ve been actively making music since 2016 and have collaborated with different indie artists around the world. Looking forward to connecting with you and making something great to share with the world!
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What’s up everyone! My name is Anthony Church and I’m a music producer and podcast host out of Northeast Ohio! I’ve been actively making music since 2016 and have collaborated with different indie artists around the world. Looking forward to connecting with you and making something great to share with the world!
I produce rock, funk and blues with an aim to achieve a classic and timeless sound. Mixing and mastering for all genres - formats include Streaming, CD and Vinyl.
I don't need to take credit for how beauty your voice is. I just love hearing the vocals of an artist that really brings forth the truth of the soul. I write and help artist change the very surroundings where their voices are heard.
Hi! I am a beatmaker from Brazil and I am available to produce beats with expression, originality, a lofi touch and brazilian groove for you to use anyway you want it | remote mixing and music producing
Nominated in 7 categories in the Awit Awards. I studied Music Production & Pro Tools Operation at Berklee Online. I have worked with various artists, film, and television companies. My projects are released in all streaming platforms and distributed worldwide by major record companies. You may email me at electricbananastudiosph@gmail.com
Brasilian music quality
I am an artist/singer/songwriter/composer - willing to explore collabs in different genres as a lyricist.
Hey there, I'm Alberto Fernandez, a Nicaraguan soaking up the Dutch vibes for a cool five years now. I've got a musical heartbeat, starting as a drummer and evolving into an audio engineer after studying sound engineering here in the Netherlands.
Recent Successes
"Brandon is a true profession one of the best I've had the pleasure of working with. Amazing voice! He communicated constantly making sure I was satisfied with the record. Went far above what was even expected! A+"
"Laura is so professional. She responds quickly and communicated efficiently. And her voice sounded so good on my demo!"
""ANOTHER ONE" - DJ Khaled...BRAM with TMIS is the best! He is extremely talented in audio engineering. Boosting your track to an extremely competitive commercial sounding record! I would recommend anyone that needs a ..."
"Superb quality. Professional from the quote to delivery. Understanding my vision, good communication during the project, and delivery of the final product. Can recommend Dorette for your work! "
"I like working with Amanda because she's very quick to turn in vocal work. It has a very personal style, the lyrics are interesting and it also brings ideas. A pleasure to work with her again!"
"100 % high end mix ! perfect like always ! Easy to work with Daniela The best sound engineer I know ! At the next mix ! "
"Beautiful voice, fast turnaround, very professional. Safari was spot on from the first take. Highly recommended, "
"A real pleasure to work with Charlie! Very good work, so professional, so talented. "
"AMAZING Talent! She work us into her schedule and knocked our track out of the park! Great experience!"