Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Śliwa
Hip-Hop / Techno music producer, DJ, Video producer and sound designer. I’ve made beats for Polish Artists like: Peja, ERO, PiH, Słoń, WSRH, Hemp Gru, Sheller and more.
Professional editing, mixing and mastering services done in a hybrid analog / digital way. 15 years of experience in pro-audio recording and mixing, working on albums ranging from classical music to modern pop and rap. Using ProTools Ultimate and Logic Pro combined with more than thousand top plugins and handful of analog gear.
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Grammy Award Winning Engineer/Mixer/Producer (Album of the Year- OutKast)
I'm a guitarist, part writer and session musician. Throughout my carrier I have recorded at Metropolis Studios amongst a great variety of independent studios throughout the UK. I have toured Europe with bands and artists and performed at festivals and venues. Highlights have been performing at Glastonbury, BBC Maida Vale and Radio Rai in Italy.
Hey there, Thank you for visiting my page. To sum it up I am an artist who has spent years songwriting. Along my journey I have learned how to work the technical side of music. I went to school to study Audio Engineering and have had many jobs in the past. I love music with all my heart but my main passion is helping people any way I can.
Vocals, topline, songwriting and live shows.
Engineer that’s been developing mixing skills since 2016. I’m here to help finish your track(s) and get the clarity, depth, and loudness you need for distribution. Unless you specifically ask for my creative advice, I am 100% impartial, and will only perform the tasks that are asked of me to the best of my ability. Msg me for info/concerns/advice.
G'day - Al here. Complete keyboard nerd/hammond player with a love of that swirlishous sounds that only the real deal can give.
Looking for pedal steel or guitar to elevate your song to the next level? I tour and record in a variety of styles and love bringing original music to life. I've been blessed to play with many different artists; from jazz fusion with Randy Brecker, to performing traditional country with a number of Ameripolitan award winners and nominees.
Recent Successes
"Everytime I think the project is over I need something else! Diego's a good sport about it and has adapted to my preferences by now. He has consistently released music that appeals to my ears. :) Will work with him ag..."
"Second time working with Bobby. He’s such a versatile singer and truly is great and talented. "
"Nate just rocks! It's such a joy to get drum tracks that sound like they could have come from some of my favorite drummers of all time. And he's extremely quick!"
"Absolutely amazing final mix and master! So great to work with too as I am extremely pedantic about every tiny detail of my songs, so Austin was very patient during the entire process. I am very happy, would give ..."
"Excellent work from Leo, and very fast turnaround!"
"Jessie did an amazing job with my track. I was looking for a Miranda Lambert "vibe" and Jessie delivered big time! Very responsive and reasonable turn around. I would not hesitate to use Jessie's talents again in the ..."
"Jason delivers above and beyond , i am a serial user of his drum skills and i have thrown a mixed bag music at him and he kills it . Don't mistake him for a one style pony this guy can do it all and the audio file..."
"Erika was so easy and fun to work with, not only as a singer but also as a writer and vocal arranger. She takes direction like such a pro and gave me exactly what I was looking for. She's got that unique, special some..."
"Extremely professional and the results came out great"
"Adaptable and wildly talented vocalist. Sean gave a stellar performance and was very knowledgeable about how to deliver a high quality product during his time in the studio."
"Brittany absolutely knocked this one out of the park. She’s got an amazing voice and her pitch is one of the best I’ve ever worked with. Add to that some great lyrics and a spot on vocal arrangement. Super happy about..."