Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Slap Dragon
I am a seasoned audio engineer with a passion for bringing artists' musical visions to life. I specialize in mixing, and I am excited about the possibility of collaborating with you to create exceptional music.
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Mix-Engineer available for mix-sessions, remixes, productions and mastering.
Mastered many incl. Alex Smoke, Sascha Braemer, Orbital (Paul Hartnoll), D-Unity, Eric Volta, Ahmet Sendil, Dominik Vaillant, Hannes Rasmus, etc All genres including: Rock, Pop-Rock, Electro-Rock, Dance, Electro, Techno, EDM, Hip-Hop, Trance, etc. Tried & Tested Industry leading results... Clean, Warm, Polished sound that is not crushed to death
I make your Alternative Indie Music sound amazing. I specialize in alternative, indie,and progressive rock music. My job is to enhance your recordings and achieve your vision as an artist without losing its concept and essence.
I make your dreams come music.
Affordable precision that you can trust with your next project! 🎚️ Ready to take your music/audio to the next level? Look no further! As a seasoned Mixing and Mastering Engineer, I specialize in transforming raw tracks into polished, professional, and radio-ready masterpieces.
I'm a music producer that loves makes unique and fresh tracks.
I'm a latin grammy nominated music producer, songwriter and recording engineer. I'm also a singer, broadcaster, and CEO at PinkTree Recording Studio. I've worked in new ventures and collaborations with artists in different genres. Together we can take your sound to the next level!
Recent Successes
"An amazing partner to work with and also has an impressive turn over time as well! Will not hesitate at all to work again with Joey for sure in the future. Astonishing voice!"
"He's the go to guy for mastering ! killed it !"
"A+ job. Very fast, professional and added parts that I didn't ask for that made the song that much better! Would highly recommend."
"I had worked with a bunch of producers and mix engineers before I came across Aditya, and I've stuck with him ever since! He's the best at what he does. He's produced and mixed/mastered my debut album, and another co..."
"I always work with John on my songs because he always--ALWAYS--knocks them out of the park. We're only two songs deep into the next Twelve Days in June Record, and I am already so giddy about how it's going!"
"i love Riccardo's work! he does such an amazing job i am very proud to be working with him. All his efforts are very much appreciated, i wish i started working with him sooner but better late than never. Its a great e..."
"Dope mix delivered super fast"