Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SKYTOP
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SkyTop is a music production duo comprising of Jack G and Jack W, based in South-West London, UK. They specialise in rock, pop, country, and other instrument based genres, having produced multiple Top 5 UK iTunes hit singles. Both Jacks are also accomplished musicians and songwriters which can very much lend itself to your project.
You need electric guitars, and I need songs to put them in. This is a match made in heaven. My two solo albums on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/nicky-p-the-crutches/1438301094
Hi! こんにちは! I'm Satomi, a 21 years-old professional singer from Tokyo, Japan. I want to sing on your music ! I can record high quality vocals in Japanese. I also can write lyrics for the song, and even the topline.
Hi my name is jasmine I’m a young music producer / instrumentalists I also mix and master any type of music
We are a Massachusetts-based musician/producer duo on a mission to help creatives bring their projects to life with powerful, high-quality audio and music production.
Ever want to make something completely unique? Something only you had the keys to? Look no further. I've worked with artists of all calibers (see description) to create the perfect harmonic environment for live performances. I aim to bring that same intensity and atmosphere of a venue performance to your recordings.
Professional Mixing and Mastering services. I also produce songs. My main strength is in Lofi, chillout, lounge, Latin and reggaetón!
🎶 Elevate your music with Chetan! 🌟 Experienced audio engineer offering top-tier mixing and mastering services. Passionate about perfection, I bring 5 years of expertise across genres. State-of-the-art studio ensures professional sound. Let's collaborate to make your music shine! 🎛️🔊
Recent Successes
"Amazing work again "
"Fantastic as usual and will go above and beyond to make you happy. Getting Ready to send my 4th track. "
"Jack gave me good feedback on my song! He did everything I asked and did a good job at it, all I could ask for. "
"Good result in the end, although the first 2 (re)visions contained major mistakes. The mistakes were in the tracks I sent him, so that's my own fault. But it would be nice if Rob warned me that things were not adding ..."
"I had such a pleasure working with Giacomo whom I was referred to by another music producer. Giacomo did such a high quality mix & master of the music piece in such a quick turnaround. Highly recommend Giacomo's ser..."
"Its all amazing to work with Kyle again my go to groove master as always never fails to delevier even complex drum grooves and percussion, He put the glue in the bottom end with tasty fills. Great work "
"Andy is an absolute pro - both in terms of his efficiency in communicating with me, and especially in his playing on my song! I wasn't entirely sure in what direction I wanted the piece to go, and the two takes he sen..."
"thanks brooo! perfect work"
"I had so much fun working with Jessieque. He was very friendly and understood the assignment. I definitely would recommend him and would love to work with him again. "