Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shyza
I'm curious about all the different types of projects from alternative music to soundscape I would love to be a part of your project. I can also help you finish your projects. I have professional equipment for a professional final product. I want to grow my portfolio so I'm not scared to try new things.
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Hi. I'm Nicki. Songwriters, studio engineers and clients have entrusted their music to me for over two decades; from pop to salsa, rock to R&B, commercial jingles to jazz. I accomplish in hours what can take other singers an entire studio day.
Sound Engineer @Temple Studio, Bouzouki player @Anna Vissi's band, Session Bouzouki player
My name Is PJ d'Atri and I am a guitarist. I can play rock, blues, classical and a bit of jazz. I do lead and rhythm guitar work. You can check out my solo stuff by listening to my solo albums under the name "ULTRABOSS" and "PJ D'ATRI" on spotify. Once you know what I am about we can discuss what kind of guitar you need for your own production.
I am an Audio Engineer. I can edit audio books, podcasts, and radio shows and commercials. I also love mixing music. I specialize in Christian, Bluegrass, Country, Singer/Songwriter,Jazz, Rock, and Instrumental.
college grad and certified audio engineer
BBC Award winning songwriter with songs appearing in Amazing Interiors (netflix), Cable Girls, Khloe Kardashian Revenge Body.
Louie the Producer has made Hip-Hop, & other Sub-genres related to Hip-Hop Instrumentals, believes that Simplicity is key to a catchy hit song. Louie the Producer has helped a few artist with gaining more organic views & has established relationships with film directors & audio Engineers.
Recent Successes
"Fred was just the person I was looking for. he is talented, open, honest & quick with his responses & feedback. His work on my project was thorough & skilled. I would not hesitate to recommend Fred to anyone want..."
"took my dreams and made them better than I imagined. Wes is the real deal. No wonder he is blowing up this site and soon the world!"
"Simply amazing. "
"Emily was such a great help in moving my song forward in the writing process. She has a beautiful voice and guitar playing; just hearing her play and sing the song helped get my inspiration moving. She shared what she..."
"Top-notch talent and always willing to go the extra mile to make you happy no matter how many edits you throw back at him. Thanks again man, you're a true gem! "
"Again Sakari nails it. Sakari laid the vocals to a 'Stevie' cover that I'm producing. Working with her for a second time, my only instruction was to 'make it hers'... and I was not disappointed. Sakari is now my 'firs..."
"Great communicator. Open and receptive to feedback. Performed great sounding parts. "
"Working with Ronaldo was a big pleasure. Perfectly in the mood with great taste and touch! Great person and a pro musician, he immediately entered the song mood and provided me with what I was looking for. I will defi..."
"v talented artist, easy to work with, great communication and even better results."