Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shy Giants of the Hills
Producer, engineer and multi-instrumentalist including piano, guitar, synth and drum machines. You can listen to my work in the Spotify link provided or just send me a friendly message for other platforms.
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Versatile studio vocalist, songwriter and topliner based in Los Angeles, specializing in genres ranging from pop, EDM, country, R&B, singer-songwriter and more. Look forward to collaborating with you!
Writers block have your project stumped? I'm here to help.
Ready to score your film, animation, commercial or produce, mix and master music for any means. Very experienced at sound design and sound editing. I guarantee to be fully devoted to your project and will do my very best to make sure we are both 100% happy with the end result, and who knows maybe we will develop a long-term working relationship!
Bringing over 30 years of slide guitars, funky stings and general 'six string soul additive' to the table for your tracks! Sound good? Can't wait to hear your basics and overdub some tracks to complete your 'song vision'!
The one stop shop for anything EDM/Pop/Trap/Other based works!
I customize creative concepts to form new connections and relationships both inside and out.
Grammy winning engineer with over 1 billion career streams. Formerly of Nashville now based in the UK. Producing, recording and mixing Americana, Folk, Blues, Country, Indie and Alt rock. I tend to work on anything that centres around a human performance.
Recent Successes
"Once again Robert has been wonderful to work with, he's invaluable when it comes to polishing up my songs, while also patiently answering my questions along the way. Absolutely looking forward to my next project with ..."
"I was looking for a singer for my retro song when suddenly I ran across Chris on this site. And it was a very right choice! Besides his vocal abilities and performance, which were above my expectations, his understan..."
"Awesome track Ziv and I just wrapped up, his versatility is unmatched. We worked on a much faster tune that was a blend of funk and rock, and he delivered his parts excellently, he's a master at the guitar and his wor..."
"Highly recommend working with Josh! He was always well prepared, in time and really listened to what I had to say. He managed to translate my sometimes fuzzy thoughts into the music perfectly! The process was a bre..."
"Danilo is awesome! I had him record on one tune and liked it so much I asked him to record on another. Without a doubt, his playing elevated the quality of the songs. He's a total pro -- and at the same time he's ..."
"Another masterpiece. Thanks Bobby."
"Brittany is a champ! Not only is she a fantastic singer, but her communication skills are top notch; also, her willingness to go the extra mile to make a vocal perfect makes working with her a true pleasure. Top mark..."