Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SFG
💎Sound Engineer and Music Production Academy Audioplace (AES) Artists Pepsi Music +500k views Youtube +200k views Facebook +6.6k of shared in Facebook Urban music specialists
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If you need to lift your music with a horn or a string section I can arrange, compose, transcribe and record for you. I only work with highly qualified professionals, carefully chosen in order to meet the style of the song.
I can perform and do post production
TOP UK SESSION BASSIST + CHROMATIC HARMONICA PLAYER. Andy's played on many celebrated + award winning albums. He's worked with jazz legends, famous singer songwriters + arabic musicians. He's produced albums for singer songwriters + his album 'Bee For Bass'. A very lyrical player who enjoys bouncing off the words as well as digging into a groove.
I did an album in 2016 mixed by John Fryer.
I believe that a good song doesn't just entertain, it connects, and that's what I aim to achieve.
Music production studio; highly experienced with ropck and metal production, editing, mixing, mastering and post-production. Portfolio available to search on Spotify and Bandcamp.
Recent Successes
"Same old storie with Fred! Everything perfect!"
"Patient, Professional. A real talent. Most definitely makes me SoundBetter!"
"Wes is one of a kind One of the best writers and performers I had the privilege to work with , at Artlist Original . Wes and his team create Class A productions in the speed of light Their production skill are top..."
"I really enjoyed working for the first time with Matt. He understood my vision, was easy to work with, and delivered the results."
"Paul is a sonic-master...he has a deep understanding of music, gets obscure referencing and creates an entire aural wonderland. Never ceases to surprise me with his talents, so happy to be working with him - and alre..."
"Another A1 job, it was a pleasure working with Brent."
"Will is not an harmonica player, he’s a genius!!! He’s got the flow of the harmonica running in his blood! It’s the second time I work with him and it’s not over!! He’s brilliant and always on time to deliver! Than..."
"Taylor is a world class drummer no doubt. He has impressive intuition for what a song needs and delivers it with grace, feeling and style in his playing that perfectly amplify the emotions of a song. He is a wonderful..."