Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SeuinStreet Band
I know you're searching for someone who can help you in your next project, send me what you’re working on!
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One of New Zealand's finest male vocalists (New Zealand Idol Top 24 finalist) specializing in Pop, Jazz and intricate Indian/Bollywood styles. Live singer, session vocalist and composer, I am a perfectionist and will ensure you have the best vocals for your song, or the best song for your vocals.
I am a songwriter based in waterford Ireland. I have been writing songs for over twenty five years. I am currently signed to a record label in new york, and have had several releases with them. i will write the best lyrics for you if you hire me for the job.
Hello, J Miles here! I've been making music in some form or fashion for most of my life. I am always striving to grow and become more creative in my craft. I want people to be inspired and feel freedom when they experience music I've been a part of!
Transforming your dream into music!
Mezcla, master y cantar
Latin american Flutist, arranger, Latin american Winds player, (quena Siku), chromatic armonica player
Get your Professional Sound! With your unique ideas and my expertise, I can help you with the industry standard sound you've always wanted ; from mixing/mastering to a session artist we can make your music come to life and give it the edge it needs to make your mark in the industry.
Music producer | Recording, mixing & mastering engineer | Sound designer BA in audio production, mentored by our country's best audio engineers and producers Always striving towards creative approach and delivering right solutions to your project. From whole production to small audio services-hit the contact button and tell me about your project!
Recent Successes
"Chris is a visionary who took my song, production-wise to fantastic levels!!! He was confident and cool the whole way, as well as totally professional. This is one producer who wont let you down. I was able to hand a ..."
"Matias is a consummate professional who did an incredible job for my track. His drumming has technical skill with an intuitive sense of artistry that is rare to come by. He's also a very warm, personable collaborator ..."
"He always gets me, hope to work with you soon. Cheers "
"It's a pleasure working with Leo. He has a good ear and talent for eclectic music taste. With music becoming more diverse and the interaction with other cultures paves the way for a more global approach. which leo ha..."
"Great engineer even better guy. Wants the best for your music and always trying to help you in the future. Solid choice for mix/mastering. "
"Super quick turnaround - extremely accommodating. Highly recommend. "
"Super dope and lovely Vocalsit"
"Absolutely amazing singer! Great voice and great vibe. Highly professional!! Warmly recommended "
"There's nothing Michael can't do! One of the top people in the business, you won't find better. "
"Once again Nat is just the BEST………… love your creativity and you are so amazing thanks for listening to what I was aiming for ❤️🔥🌟🔥"