Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SENKEN
Mixing Engineer that lived the life of a touring artists before and understand the life of a record from the idea to the big stages.
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I play Music. That's my answer when somebody asks me "what do you play?". My goal is to deliver my best performance to the songs I'm working on, always serving the music and the writer's vision with passion, groove and taste. Music I've worked on is included in "Fahrenheit 11.9" by Oscar winner Michael Moore and in the "Minions" movie trailer.
I've made thirty thousand songs as well as 20 full albums which are all available on spotify as well as produced and directed 2 hollywood films "Grim" and "Doggy Daycare The Movie" I also did the sound on both films and have enormous levels of skill I'd love to share with others who would like a professional to help guide the artist in the journey
Looking for a Music Producer with experience in a multitude of genres? Look no further. Brutox has produced music in a variety of genres within the EDM genre. Ranging from Deep House and Complextro to Drum & Bass and Trance
Professional multi-instrumentalist musician, dj and producer. I play synthesizers, guitar, piano, bass and what i need to make nice music.
Been a full time production nerd since 2018. One key thing I do in ALL my work is take a step back and analyze from an objective standpoint to find details that can be improved and work on correcting those. Expect "Controlled Chaos" from my productions.
Luca Errico is a sound engineer with twenty years of experience. He mainly works in concerts and live events, but has collaborated in the making of several records. Multi-instrumentalist, arranger, composer, world music's lover.
I'm K-pop Producer Rollie. I've prepared to make music in global market. Contact me who want make a magic with me
Hello musicians! I'm a professional Music Producer since 2014. I can make you the EDM tracks to your own purposes
Recent Successes
"Glenn was fantastic to work with on this project. My company is based in Chicago, so I was looking for a local partner to do field audio recording and final mix tracks. It was a great experience working with Glenn thr..."
"Something in my gut said to go to SGM and I'm happy I did because what I got back was exactly what I wanted. I wanted a crisp commercial sound to my end product and it was delivered."
"Such a GREAT experience working with Klaas. An absolute master at what he does and a true professional. I cannot recommend anyone more. "
"Will Everett is a great songwriter with amazing ideas. He made something special. We will work on more music moving forward. "
"Great singer and great professional. Warren was really involved in our project providing good lyrics and toplines in no time! Merci et à bientôt à Paris :)"
"No doubt Fabian is one of the best engineers I've ever worked with. Every detail is always adjusted and worked out to extract the maximum potential of our bangers ! Thanks a lot bro 🙏"
"Realizing we needed to begin adding canvas artwork to some of our back catalogue of music, we decided to have a new canvas created for one of our harder driving songs called Wild Ride. We immediately thought of headin..."
"It was such a pleasure working with Carla. Her voice is fabulous and she sounds great on our project. I was blown away with how creative she was with her melodies and lyrics and all of this was done in such a short ti..."