Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with self-released 4 albums and 1 EP and several singles
Professional and versatile singer (the imaginary offspring of Freddie Mercury and Paul Simon) and songwriter available for all your singing and songwriting needs.
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OluWong is a Dj, Producer and Sound Engineer since 2000 in the field of electronic music, and he has special aptitude for black music. hip hop, rap, r'n'b and soul are his daily bread, and has a great passion for house, d'n'b, and modern pop. He worked as an engineer on the disks of some of the greatest Italian artists.
Names Austin, checkout my soundlcoud: ThisTheKid. I'm not a rapper, I do not think I am a rapper and I am not trying to be a rapper. I use my own voice on my tracks because I love making music and there's no other voice I have to accommodate my time and work. No music degree yet, but my next step is going to school for what I love to do most.
Professional musician with 18+ years of performing and recording double bass and bass guitar, sound designing, composing and mixing audio.
I'm a professional guitar player and producer based in Florence, Italy with 10+ years of experience. I'm graduated in Jazz Guitar with maximum score (110 with honours) at Siena Jazz University, the best jazz school in Europe according to Jazzit Magazine
Powerful Emotive Rock Vocalist
Audio Engineer/Music Producer/ Songwriter for hire. Worked with a couple b-list artist in the industry. Looking for service and help more artist with their craft
Powerful/Sensitive Soul Vocalist
What if you had a hit rap verse or chorus on your song?! What if it was from a top UK, London, Rapper with a true Hip Hop influence? 1000+ songs recorded, streams on streams and mix-tape sales!
Recent Successes
"Outstanding and professional work and a real pleasure to work with both Adrian and Torsten! They took my song idea and added the awesome sauce and I'm beyond pleased! Thank you both and I look forward to working on mo..."
"Every time I send Chris a song he knocks it out the park! I am a repeat client because I always get what I'm looking for when I come to him. He is a brilliant producer, and a wonderful, friendly person. I hope to one ..."
"Fred mastered our entire album at this point and he has a great sound and is easy to work with!"
"Super-fast work from Grants side and he still managed to deliver a really good Vocal! "
"Once again, Wes provided exactly what I needed. I've gone to Wes for my last several tracks and his work is beyond superior. He'll definitely get you the sound that you're looking for -- you'll want to come back to We..."
"Tim never fails to provide incredible radio-worthy pop vocals, harmonies and ad-libs. He sings with so much passion and emotion, and is a great guy to work with. "
"Ziv just sent me the mix and mastering of the song Give it Hell…..GENIUS! GENIUS! GENIUS!! GEEENIUS!! It’s all that needs to be said for now…..just wait till you can hear it!!!……"
"Pleasant first experience! Took the time to explain why he made certain decisions regarding placements and certain vocal arrangements ! Definitely would recommend !"