Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Scarlett's Garden
Hi! I´m Daniel at Grit Sounds.If you´re looking for a mixing engineer who cares for your success and has the skills to help get you a great sound, you’ve found it!
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WORLD CLASS Mixing, producing and remix.
I specialize in making beats that match the artist's sound!
I have that unique sound you will love and that sauce that will make you repeat the song a million times because of the fire mix!
Former sonny music songwriter and also was songwriter for urban artists and pop female artists.
Mixing is my passion!
I’m independent write all my music got a shared project out and one where I’m featured often
Award winning music production. I will mix and master you music to the highest standard. Laxplanet has worked with numerous talented artists such as Downsyde's frontman Optamus, Mathas, Able, FG, Wisdom 2th and Soma. Specializing in Hiphop and electronica I ready to take your music where you want it to go.
Vocal Tune, Music Production and Mixing Expertise. Make your songs shine like they deserve to!
Recent Successes
"Brittany was easy to work with, I gave her the song, the direction and some notes; she did the rest. LOVE her vocal edits!! Vocal phrasing was balanced and deliberate, I heard every word from beginning to the ending ..."
"BEST. PERSON. I'VE. WORKED. WITH. SO. FAR. I went to Nino to mix and master my rap vocals into a beat I'd purchased. He did an amazing job at an affordable price very, very quickly. I've been working with other people..."
"ili is amazing. So professional and talented in her vocals. She is very easy to work with and gets the job done quick and to a very high standard. She is a great writer and I will 100% be coming back to work with her ..."
"Matty did a killer job mixing my track, he took it from good to great! He means what he says about getting down in the weeds and refining. He went above and beyond just mixing by adding some creative touches that real..."
"Reliable, Quick, Effective. Andrea understood exactly what i wanted to get out of my piece of music before i told him. Amazing job, will work again with him for sure. "
"Impeccable quality. Ivan is a brilliant technician and lovely to work with!"