Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Scalatrax
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Audio Engineer for Gold & Platinum Accredited Artists
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You need a great sounding beats, mix and master to be on top of your game and that's exactly what i have to offer.
Highly creative, highly enthusiastic and highly charismatic, and skilled at making music - with a unique passion for both the creative and technical sides of music production. Recommended by legendary producer GGGarth Richardson (Rage Against the Machine, Rise Against).
I'm an Englishman living on the beautiful and vibrant island of Mallorca. I write, record and mix right out of my home studio in Maria de la Salut. Having written and played music with artists from all around the world since 2010 ,I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some of best in industry. I studied singing, bass and guitar from an early age.
Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Sound Cloud, Tidal, iTunes, Pandora, I Heart Radio, You Tube, etc.
He escrito canciones para , Reykon,Blessd,Mya,Cnco,Alex Rose y muchos mas
I mixing and help to produce heavy genres of music. I am a sound designer and sound engineer, mixing material of varying complexity. I also help in choosing sounds so that your track sounds as good as possible within your genre.
Recent Successes
"Your mix in our production of 20999 sounds awesome . Vintage retro feel. "
"Had such great time working with David ! He had a great vision of what I presented and added his creative ideas and production which gave something amazing. Working with him is a sure choice !"
"Tony was a very professional and hard working artist. I was given chances to change and alter the idea and send him examples of style and structure. Tony worked to get the result i was looking for and easily went abo..."
"Working with Sara was more than a pleasure. She is very patient, kind, friendly and such a talented singer and songwriter. You can't call it "Working" with her, cause it was way beyond of that. But making that song to..."
"It's always great working with Riley -- he's got a really collaborative approach and always brings something new to the table on guitars, bass, and synths. Looking forwards to the next one"
"Great work as always!"
"No complaints with Arthur ever - he's very professional, does amazing work, has quick turnaround time, and delivers a great product. Highly recommend him to anybody wanting radio-ready material! "
"I’m super happy with the mix!!! I love what he did to my vocals and the sound quality is perfect!!"
"Erik has become my go-to-guy for all my music needs! He's now arranged, mixed, and mastered many of my songs. He even helped connect me with a live cellist who further brought my project to life. His suggestions are a..."