Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with satori zoom
A2LA is a private recording studio located in a spacious loft-style commercial building. Session time can be used to record, mix, and master your track so you can leave the studio with a finished product ready for all platforms!
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I'm a High School student at Fort Hayes Career Center and getting my Pro Tools and Ableton Live Certifications. I am planning to be eventually going to Berklee.
Hello there! I am Matthias (Lilkaus) I am a music / audio engineer Music is my life! And i want to make a living from it!
I am a Composer and Mixing Engineer. I compose, produce, mix and master orchestral-based music for any type of project. You are looking for top-notch orchestra sounds? You are in the right place! Press play and judge by yourself!
Ever Evolved is a platform for Chicago individuals engaged in Music, Art and Ideas that motivates the mind, body and soul. We are the next generation; Let us inspire equal, free and a creative living through music.
From Karnatic Music to Electronica.
NC based producer since 2016 (Mostly pop tracks). Singer songwriter since 2020.
Icon Collective College Of Music Los Angeles, CA Graduate. Artist project Midnight Mafia 2500 monthly listeners (SoundCloud, Apple Music, Spotify). DJ direct support for Matroda in Nashville, Tennessee.
Hi, I'm Riccardo Falcari and I'm 22. I'm a Professional Guitarist based in Italy: I mostly work as session player and as teacher I study Jazz at the Conservatory. I cover a lot of styles including Pop, Rock, Jazz, Funk, Ambient, Disco and Blues.
Recent Successes
"Refugee is amazing! Very talented"
"Kaz totally blew me away. Her harmonies, ad libs, spoken whispers - gave me chills! Her performance was charismatic - her voice has that charismatic quality walking that line between charming and seductive. Really ..."
"Very talented cat. dope skills. this project needed to nail a vibe for a soulful remake. Jamahl was the answer."
"Incredibly dedicated to making each song sound amazing! Jeff brings to light all the details in the mix so nothing is left out. It takes a lot of serious talent to achieve this kind of sound engineering. I’m very than..."
"Great communication and fast delivery of high quality tracks. I can recommend Jeff and would be happy to work with him again."
"G is a top bloke with unbelievable skills , highly recommend he helped bring my vision to life and was very pleasant to work with, I’m looking forward to other projects with him "
"Great vocalist, always delivers a great track! If you want the best results use this guy! "
"Another absolutely brilliant bit of musicianship by Mike! He really has a knack for adding the perfect parts to a song. His tone and technique are first rate. Always a pleasure working with Mike and the musical insigh..."