Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sarah Brunner
Brittany Rogers is a producer and audio engineer based in Nashville, Tennessee. Brittany received her bachelors degree in Music Production and Engineering from Berklee College of Music, and is currently working with artists remotely or based in Nashville. In her spare time, Brittany works on recording and producing her solo project.
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Hailing from Bronx NYC. Danny began his introduction into the music industry at the age of 19, signing to Universal Records (AM Octone Records) with his band Paper Tongues. Daniel has worked with producers such as Brian West, Mark Endert, and Randy Jackson. Today Daniel is producing music for artist locally in the Kansas City & surrounding areas.
I will produce songs, beats, vocals, mix and master any genre. Mixing and Mastering engineer for Grammy award winning artists.
Ludvig is a mix & mastering engineer specialized in rock, metal and pop-punk music. My goal is to take your recorded music and transform it into punchy, professional and polished product at affordable rates. Go to "www.silversun-studios.com" to listen to my portfolio and learn more about what I can do for you.
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Tell me what you want a song to be about and I'll bring it to life! Tell me any elements you want included your song and I'll make it happen.
Mixing and Mastering song writing
Hello! I’m Honolooloo and I make music. I’ve been doing music for 10 years and counting; from composing, arranging, mixing, mastering, toplining…I do it all.
Recent Successes
"It's always great to work with experienced professionals like Klaas! He knows how to mix & master EDM right! Perfect quality! Fast delivery! Great communication! Hope to work together again!"
"Another great mix from Austin. Great to work with him again."
"This is the guy! Professional, super motivated, very responsive, and awesome mix/master/producer. He even jumped on Skype to help establish some best practices for recording the next album. Everyone should use Robert ..."
"Incredible talent, awesome dude, a terrific experience!"
"Another incredible and professional job! I love working with Bram, he always brings out the best in all aspects of the music. "
"Dmitry workl fast, efficient and give various options. great to wotk with. Thank you Dmitry"
"bro idk what these dudes r on but... FIRE. mad profrssional and slick. my songs have no business sounding this good. makes my other tracks sound bad lmao"
"Mastering is a craft, and Tomomi is a master at it. Quick communication, efficient work, amazing sound. If you are looking for a clean and punchy sound, she is the one. - Leopard "
"I love how Markiss gets it right every time! He made me sound like a pro and finally got my demo recognized by multiple A&R managers. Thanks bro!"