Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sam light
Professional producer, songwriter and topliner
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Studio di registrazione professionale, sale prova, scuola di musica, corsi di formazione certificati Dteinberg
I am an RECW Recording Workshop grad with CORE and ADVANCED Audio Engineering certifications looking for further work/experience in the following areas: 1. Music Production 2. Commercial Audio Production 3. Audio Mastering 4. Sound for Picture 5. Live Sound
ToneTwins is a music production team, consisting of experienced musicians, producers, engineers, session musicians who graduated from Berklee College of Music and other top-rated schools. To this day ToneTwins has worked with Warner Music, Eurovision, Coca-Cola, Jameson, McDonald's, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, etc.
I am an audio post-production professional with over 5 years of experience in sound design, audio mixing, and mastering for television, films, and streaming platforms.
Professional mallet percussion player. Ever thought you needed Fender Rhodes or glockenspiel on a record? Try vibraphone instead. I can add vibraphone and marimba to your recording in a professional and musically sensitive way. I hold an advanced degree in percussion and can add melodic figures, chords, hits, ethereal sweeps, and more.
Up and coming Music Producer, Singer, and Songwriter looking for work to help other up and coming artists try and achieve the song they are looking for and reach their vision. Check out my Spotify artist profile @TashaBeck
Combining my experience as a producer-songwriter and music director with the chops of a studio musician, I have both the big picture mindset to understand your vision and the chops to bring it to life. Let’s make art together.
Recent Successes
"Ingacio Molino was the best thing that happened to my project so far! He gave me very sound/pragmatic advice. I had really great musicians on my recording & they deserve the best mix possible & the advice that Ignacio..."
"Working with Owen was great! Our communication was super smooth and his ideas were really creative and helped me move my project to the next stage."
"Meghan has such a beautiful voice and is a true lyricist. Looking forward to collaborating again soon. "
"Amazing! Quick turn around time with the mixing, answers his messages in a timely manner. Love his work, I highly recommend him. Thank Lucas!!"
"It's not so easy to find someone so talented and so professional at the same time. So if you're looking for his kind of vibe, he's your man! For sure! "
"Excellent mastering skills, see you on the next project!"
"TJ is awesome, he is really easy to work with. He had my song done in a week. He brought life into my music!"
"Alex is always a pleasure to work with, he knows how to do things to perfection and leave the audios perfectly the way you want them to sound."