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Salvador Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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UpsideDown Entertainment is a full fledged music production house located in Boston, USA offering remote services to clients all over the world. We specialize in: - Music Production - Motion Picture Scores - Recording, Production and Development of Solo Artists & Bands - Remixing - Mixing & Mastering Services www.djupsidedown.com
Professional sounding Vocals and Dialogue.
My name is ThankGod. I produce,mix and masters music.
Want to sound like you but also like nothing else out there? You came to the right place. I make pop music with a twist of lemon. DM me and we can talk about your next release.
Professional musician of 23 years with live, recording and touring experience. Currently composing music and creating sound design for short films/animation and visual media. Keen to work within in budgets and love collaborating.
Hello, I put Colibri Estudio at your service. A professional recording studio, ideal for any artist who wants to get away from the city to create, produce or compose in a place whose objective is that you feel free to exploit creativity to the fullest.
Professional audio engineer, sound designer and music composer with credits in Hollywood trailer music scene, tv documentaries, art installations, video games and advertising.
Vintage synths / drum machines / jazzy harmonies
Recent Successes
"Nice tracks. Top quality with very fast delivery. Highly recommended¡"
"We found Aldo on youtube and quickly we contacted him to work together. First, we asked him to make some vocal melodies + lyrics. In 24 hours Aldo made some incredible ideas. Aldo is also a guitarist with indie influe..."
"Composed an excellent guitar part for me based on my descriptions of what I had desired. He's very responsive, fast, and efficient. A very down to Earth individual and a pleasure to work with. "
"This was my 2nd time working with Eileen and I'm even more impressed than the first time round! What a brilliant versatile vocalist who is able to deliver exactly what you ask for and more. One of the best!"
"Working with Zenith Mastering was extremely lucrative, professional and seamless. From this process I've actually learned a lot more about mixing and balancing my own tracks. I felt like I was taking a Masterclass thr..."