Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sabine women
Over a 100 commercial jobs done for top fashion brands. Co-wrote CISSI’s debut album. Several P3 premieres. Have worked 4+ years in ISO-room.
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Amsterdam based afro, funk & soul groove specialist. My goal is making your song as danceable and groovy as possible. Because in the end it has to be for both: the ear and the booty.
As both a steel player and producer, I strive to help make every project I touch more interesting and sound better than it did before it came in. I really love working with artists and producers to find just the right hook, melody, texture, and layers to make every song the best it can be.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your music online can make all the difference. Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. Don’t compare yourself to others, make it stand out!
Delivering a prestine sound using proper equipment delivering professional vocals. Analyze what's requested. Brainstorming ideas until its fitting. Creativing unique melodies that pulls listeners in. Then crafting the verses all while impacting the whole element & atmosphere. I am a whole vibe as well as lyricist in my material I craft hit records.
Professional singer/songwriter specializing in multiple music genres (EDM, Pop, R&B and others).
Hola, soy un músico, rapero, cantante y productor venezolano, crecido en Caracas. Soy productor musical e ingeniero profesional de mezcla/masterización desde hace más de 6 años. Caracterizado por mezclar sonidos del hip hop/trap, metal, grunge, electrónica y música experimental, arraigados a la atmosfera oscura, violenta y emocional.
I am a versatile and expressive Multi-Instrumentalist and Guitarist. I am comfortable in multiple genres and I can provide tasteful Lead and Rhythm Guitar, Mandolin, Electric Bass, Ukulele, and Atmospheric Keys. I have recorded and co-produced tracks for notable sound libraries and multiple independent artists.
I record guitars for your next song. compromise and responsibility. excellent audio
Recent Successes
"Andy is the man. Drum Edits were spot on! "
"ALOU and I have been working together since late last year and have already had seven tracks signed. It's been pretty awesome because the labels that wouldn't reply to me a year ago are now reaching out to me asking ..."
"Every time there is something new, something different!!! Great!!! I love him"
"Roy made my rap verse sound more professional and clear. It works a lot better with the rest of the track now. He gave a quick turnaround, completing the job in less than 24 hours, and stayed in constant contact throu..."
"Fantastic producer and really grabs on to your passion and delivers something magical. This is the second project and moved on to third. Can't wait to hear what Kevin brings on the third project. "
"Absolutely love working with Killian. His creativity is abundant and the final product is just awesome!"
"We're working wonderfully, she is an artist who has no limits, she always manages to meet your needs and manages to fit in with you in an incredible way, leaves you very happy and very satisfied with the result, we st..."