Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sabikui Bisco
Mixing about 100 tracks per a month including songs and soundtracks.
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my name is saleem royale. i am a rapper, producer, photographer, graphic designer, aspiring fashion designer, blogger, and many other things. i would like to consider myself as just a creative in the truest sense. anything that's creative i'm interested in. i'm also a chef.
Hi there, I own a 3 millons views youtube channel, and I'm also a professional Viola/Violin player in a symphonic orchestra, as a producer reached no5 in UK Club Charts Classical, Rock&Pop, Blues, Country, Spanish, Bolero, Ballads, are my styles. I have got professional gear/room for top quality recording. Neumann/Audient/Gibson/Fender/Martin.
I'm a female vocalist, classically trained for 20 years, love to sing jazz, pop, classical, folk, really anything with a melody.
I'm an R&B artist but often write/record almost any type of song. I've written for EDM producers, KPOP, and have had multiple sessions writing with Atlantic Records. I made it to the top 8 of American Idol and will soon be appearing on an R&B competition show on BET. I have a home studio set-up so writing/recording is quick and convenient
View my creative portfolio at https://MIKL.tv and contact hi@MIKL.tv with opportunities.
Bilingual (Spanish/English) Berklee College of Music (online) Mixing and Production Engineer 2021 Graduate.
A well rounded, extremely determined engineer who loves good music that just wants to connect, build, and have fun w/ making music. No matter who you are and where you come from we will work hard to become the best artists we can!
Recent Successes
"His best effort yet. Brilliant communication, works hard and gets the job done quickly but with the highest quality. Very talented. "
"All good! Tom is on top of the industry! Loyal customer here!"
"In football, the reason coaches become superstars is because when the coach sends in the play to the quarterback, the quarterback executes it perfectly, ultimately making the couch look brilliant. I sent Marcelo my in..."
"ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO WORK WITH! Michael has done a great job again. He really makes sure that you're 100% satisfied!! Thanks a lot!!"
"Beautiful experience !! Macau is so cool and make a very good job with his team ! Thank you Macau !! Excited to work again with you !!! 🔥🔥🔥 "
"Incredible execution and sense for musicality with every track Yoed works on - can't recommend more!!"
"Adam cares about the quality of the work, to the level of inspiring others. I am looking forward to more projects with AK! "
"great job!"