Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ryu Sujeong
With 20+ years of experience, I'm dedicated to transforming your musical vision into reality. Having collaborated with global film and indie artists worldwide, I specialize in pop, urban, and EDM genres while contributing to various musical styles. I am here to elevate your music production to a professional standard. Let's spark your creativity!
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Broken Record Productions is an online resource for high quality audio mixing, mastering, and editing. Our specialty is music of any genre but we also have editing services for video, podcasts, radio, etc.
Im about 12 years playing as Dj in the best Bars & Clubs on Colombia´s electronic music scene. Alternative House, Techno, Indie and Nu Disco music producer, also mixing engineering. I have my home studio and work freelance producing tracks all the time for me and other electronic artist, i got my own label called MODERN CLASSIC SOUNDS.
Whether it's mixing, mastering, songwriting or production... Earth Wide Records can do it!
Devin England (aka sawcy_boy) is a Brooklyn-based producer, engineer, and multi-instrumentalist striving to help artists create their favorite music.
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Experienced, pofessional, and versatile, recording drums studio.
Garantia de trabajo y confianza esas dos cosas me identifican para brindar despreocupación a la hora de trabajar, sin limites de reviosiones para mas confianza y seriedad. No dudes en consultarme animate a traer tu cancion y empecemos a trabajar juntos!
With over 11 years of experience in music production, we have everything you need to take your music to the next level.
Recent Successes
"I loved collaborating with Mariami, she is very professional and her voice and just outstanding !! very involved in the project it's really nice. I am very happy with this experience! thanks again Mariami"
"Great job Rob Thanks for the sweet sounding mix & master You rock "
"True professional- says he’ll deliver you a banger and does it… couldnt be happier with the lyrics, timeframe, price, and communication. This is the guy. Really talented. "
"As usual, fantastic work! "
"Dexy was really fast with turnaround time and amazing with production! Every possible sounds sound like the original from attract that I have asked for u like any other producer! Thank you so much again Dexy!"
"Great master, good communication and fast delivery, as requested! Luca did a great job on my mix, which I now feel ready to be released! As an engineer myself, I enjoyed his professional approach. I will definitely co..."
"Simon is incredible. He is so easy to work with and so easy to get along with and has truly taken my music and given it that sound I am going for on this album. So happy I found him and so stoked with the music we hav..."
"Max is a really talented guy, really brought my song together and ended up with a product I'm incredibly powerful. Couldn't recommend him more highly."