Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ryan Brown
Music Producer, Arranger and Composer. Mixing and Mastering.
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Hello! I've been a professional music producer, engineer, writer and musician for 24 years. Check out my SoundCloud production demo and if you think I can help you with your project feel free to contact me. Always open to working on great new projects.
Calum is a producer/songwriter/mixer who has worked on projects with artists such as Celine Dion and Aloe Blac. His unique approach to rhythm and sound design makes songs/tracks stand out. He specializes in rhythmic pop tracks like Selena Gomez or AlunaGeorge and new age psychedelia like Tame Impala, but he often works in other pop/rock genres.
For several years I have been producing original songs with personal mixing and mastering. Genre Edm - House - Techno - Electro but I can also work on other musical genres. My prices are always on offer! If you have a demo song and you want it to sound professional to distribute it on Spotify and worldwide, do not hesitate to contact me!
Professional recording studio based in Etoy Switzerland. We can do anything from Recording, to Mixing and Mastering. We specialize in Mixing with Swiss Quality.
I will write a stellar record within any of my comfortable genres based on your tastes, creativity, and style. As seen on the FADER magazine, Huffington Post and XXL Magazine... alongside music I've worked on featured in WorldStarHipHop and commercial radio.
London-based Singer and Vocal Coach, focus on Pop singing and Music Theater.
I'm a no-nonsense digital mixing and mastering engineer. I make tracks stand out.
Recent Successes
"Need original work for a new song? No problem. Brandon can do it. Need revisions to tweak the lyrics or fit in new lyrics and re-sing them? No problem. Brandon can do that too and do it well. Everything dealing with m..."
"Colin knows his business. The communication between us has been very good. He is responsive to the customer and has a great expertise in mixing EDM and Psytrance. The best choice for this music. I will be happy to wor..."
"Viktor provided a professional sounding and engaging drum track! He is clearly a very talented drummer as well as an expert at recording his drum tracks. Will definitely look to work with Viktor again for any tracks r..."
"Extraordinary talent and equally a pleasure to work with! Went way beyond the mark!"
"Abby remains my go to for my song mixes. Her work is very professional. She gets it!"
"Joy joy joy, Maria is the best mastering engineer I know! I came with a very sharp deadline and she went out of her way to make it possible! I am very grateful I found her and I get the chance to work with her! Such a..."