Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Runaway Kid
Music production and audio are my life. Let me take my passion and help bring your vision to life!
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I'm a multi-instrumentalist, composer and mixing/recording engineer, with university level studies of audio technology. I've worked on numerous projects and am capable of realizing full-size projects by myself. I have quite distinct tastes and a style of my own, suitable especially for indie and alternative rock.
Certified mixing & mastering engineer
"Keep It Simple, Stupid!" With just a powerful MacBook and a trained ear; I don't need the expensive studio that costs YOU money per track, so you can enjoy the quality at a fair price - but your listeners will think you paid thousands!
I am a French/Bulgarian singer based in Sofia.
5 years on music market
The best way to make your electronic music sound it's best way.
I have satisfied AN ARTIST HEART which seems impossible.But it's real . I do mixing and mastering of melodious songs
✨ Unleash the True Brilliance of Your Music with Nathan's Mastering Touch! ✨ I'm Nathan, a passionate mastering engineer and a true audiophile at heart. My love for classic, good musical sound drives every project I undertake.
Recent Successes
"OMG!! Marcelo, you have helped to create some serious magic on this one from top to bottom. Your suggestions and patience with me have been most appreciated! This has been another learning experience for me and I can..."
"Excellent service!"
"Frank was a pleasure to work with! Very professional and had the vocals ready when he said he would and had no issue with the revisions I wanted! Would most definitely work with him again. Great work and 100% recommen..."
"My experience with Zach was very unique and funny! He wrote amazing lyrics and melody over a loop of 2 chords I've sent him and he made of it a 3-min full track! He's such a professional songwriter full of energy an..."
"Perfect songwriter - results always exceed expectations! Looking forward to work on more songs!"
"Great working with Drew! Looking forward to doing more with him in 2021! One of the better male vocalist I've found on here!"
"Really nice work, taking my music to higher level to be played out loud! Great contact and fast service. A+++"
"Jenny takes amazing pride in her workmanship and always goes the extra mile to make sure the project is completed at the highest standard. Jenny is a fantastic and patient communicator!"
"Second song with Ardie and absolutely love it. His vision and talent exceeds expectations. He knew exactly what to do and did an incredibly thorough job. Thanks Ardie!!"