Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rumba De Bodas
Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Ivano Giovedì - Freelance Sound Engineer, 48014 Castel Bolognesefavorite_borderfavoriteOver 16 years of experience in music production (recording, editing, mixing and mastering) through several musical genres and credits on major/indie label releases.
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Singer, Songwriter
Nashville musician
Need drums and bass for your rock, pop, blues or country project? I can do both for you. Need some weird synth noises, a punchy arp, or sound design? That too.
To me the most inportant part about mixing is creating a world for the listener to live in. I can help create a space for your music that fits the song and helps communicate the intended message.
Hey there! I am a professional songwriter, vocalist and topliner. I write and sing in several styles, including pop, country, and worship.
Hi, my name is Janezelle, I’m a singer/songwriter with experience in a vast array of genres. I won’t waste your time and resources, I take only 2-4 days to have your track ready and I will work closely with you all the way to ensure the final product mirrors your expectations.
hello! I am a singer with over 15 years of stage experience. I sing jazz, pop, rock and soul, other styles as well. I like to experiment and play with voice (3 octaves of stable sound). I record both covers and original vocal. Maybe my voice is exactly what you're looking for ;)
I make guitar loops from solos, to melodies, to chords, to bass lines; anything you need guitar recording.
Recent Successes
"wow! Austin is really good at creating backing tracks from scratch. You can just give him a rough recording and he already knows what instruments to add to make it sound good. He also plays guitar which is a bonus! He..."
"Florence is great! Creative, passionate and highly talented. Able to adapt to any challenge! It has been a pleasure working with her. Florence es estupenda! Creativa, pasional y de gran talento .Capaz de adapta..."
"Abriel’s flugelhorn performance was brilliant! Her playing was superb and really brought the magic to our project that it needed to be truly special. Her improvisational phrasing and note choices were masterful, and h..."
"I asked Jordan to jam out some ideas and received lots of great stuff. Well played!"
"Excellent, very fast and communicative. Dressed up a nice demo for me."
"This is a very good sound engineer. The guy always gets the job done. As I told him, might be a bit pricey but worth it for the type of quality man’s produces."
"Fred is not only great at his craft, but he goes above and beyond to make sure that his clients are satisfied with the product. It was a fun experience working with him again! I am very happy with the results. "