Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rossz
I differentiate myself by giving my personal touch to any production I work on, always trying to sound different and good. Me diferencio por darle mi toque personal a cualquier producción que trabaje, Siempre tratando de sonar diferente y bien.
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Professional Mixing Engineer based out of Columbus, Ohio. I help artists to shape their record into their own unique sound.
Hi, I'm Matt, an audio engineer and singer/songwriter based in Northumberland, UK. I have been involved in the music industry since I was 17 and have performed both around the UK and abroad. I recently graduated York St John University with a BA (hons) in Music Production where I worked in various capacities on a wide range of projects.
UK based violinist with classical qualifications but a vast experience of playing in the folk/acoustic/pop industry.
Dan Toth is an award-nominated audio editor and mixer, as well as a mix engineer, producer, vocalist and songwriter. He worked at SiriusXM Radio in NYC as an audio producer and editor for many major artists and stations and is currently with Cumulus Media. Dan holds a Master's degree in Music Production from Berklee College of Music.
Professional saxophone, clarinet and flute player based in Florence, Italy with 10+ years of experience. Graduated in Jazz Saxophone with maximum score (110 with honours) at Siena Jazz University and Conservatory of Florence. Looking forward to play for you!
Pop-punk band that loves to hop on writing collabs. Honestly Spotify just has the link option for Soundbetter which is why we made the account, but if anyone wants to link up and make some tracks, we're down.
Certified Audio Engineer Professional polishing ideas into Final products.
Recent Successes
"Worked with Corei Taylor multiple times... and would do definitely again in the future. Very communicative and professional, always a pleasure! Unbelievable singer!!! "
"He is just amazing, wow when you listen to a song without mixing and then you get his mixing you’re just completely surprised how good the song sounds finally haha:p he just made the song what I wanted it to be!! Just..."
"Emma did an amazing job with the vocals for my track. She was so easy to work with, very professional, fast - and the final result was brilliant. I am looking forward to working together again soon! "
"Great! Fast, efficient and nailed the sound I am looking for. Stay tuned for more!"
"John truly brought my vision to life!! he's a whiz at what he does. He was super patient with my many requests & professional throughout the entire process - it was a pleasure working with him on this track. He was ab..."
"she's very nice communicator and her voice is amazing! I loved to work with her again when I have other chance for the song recording."
"Stephen Carey once again delivered a great vocal performance for 12 Notes latest song "This One's For You". I love working with pros that do what they say they're going to do, deliver on time, and are easy to work wi..."
"Jake is a very talented musician, I enjoyed a lot working with him. His fast-response, clear work and being open to any modifications show that he is dedicated and skilled for the job. I recommend Jake to Hip-Hop, ja..."
"Joel is a great singer, and a pleasure to work with!"
"Erik did a phenomenal job! Highly recommend him! "
"It’s my second time working with Ara, he’s got the raw talent, and he gets what I’m looking for, and write banger melody. One of the best songwriter I’ve worked with, I’ll definitely work with him again!"