Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rollie Red
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I am a multi award winning songwriter, musician & producer, with over 30 years experience & have had number 'ones' in over 30 countries including the US. After huge success with Right Said Fred, I am currently writing & producing with George Clinton/ Parliament, Funkadelic. I have also worked with Outkast, Lady Miss Kier (Deelite) and Sly Stone.
I do recordings, mixing & mastering. I'm known in my city for the quality of the work that comes out of my studio.
Your Music Could Sound Better Individual projects get individual care and attention they deserve! Online mix engineer, send tracks from anywhere in the world.
I'm a Pro Tools Certified Instructor, studio engineer and guitarist with 15+ years of experience. I love working with many genres, but focus on pop and acoustic-based music. With an ear towards realism and mojo, I like to stay true to your sound without being afraid to get creative and push creative boundaries.
Have your tracks mastered by Warner Music-endorsed engineer Tom Zeman aka EARKING with two decades+ experience in the music industry. The span of Tom’s work includes producing and engineering music for leading European and UK artists, as well as working in Advertising, TV and Corporate Sound Design.
I write, produce and mix music in VGM and VGM-adjacent styles. My speciality is music which combines elements from modern electronic styles with influences from VGM/digital fusion music.
Swedish Producer, Mixing Engineer and Musician with over twenty years of experience.
Recent Successes
"Great communication and super professional, Brandon went the extra mile with this job. "
"My experience with Jay proved to be truly rewarding .This was our first collaboration with one another. Both his guitar work and positive outlook made it enjoyable. I hope to work with Jay again, sometime soon. Matt P."
"Cool singer and will work with you to make the job tight "
"Awesome communication skills very fast response. Very good groove and in the pocket. My first time hiring Brandon, but it looks like I’ll be using him more."
"Klaas is a professional, there is no doubt about it, he will give his best to your project. Me being a beginner he was understandable, kind this whole time. Thanks again."
"I will not recommend Shelley. So I can use her valuable working time exclusively for myself, without having to compete with fellow contestants here.... :D - no, I'm just kidding.... Highly recommended in every way!!!"
"Dan is wonderful to work with. Prompt and knowledgeable and very reasonable and honest! Low end on my track sounds tight; he did some clever things to improve my mix (because it needed a little help) "
"Pablo Made magic with the arrangements and orchestration. Besides recording bass, he nailed everything to the detail. SUPER recommended "
"Working with J.O.Y. was a fantastic experience! Despite having a tight deadline of three days, I really appreciated how quick he got the revisions done and the excellent quality. I'm really grateful for his dedication..."