Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with roccmike
Jace Alimia, JizzyJOnDaBeat, is a VIP member of Zaytoven's Muzic Money team, who he has been working with for 3 months now. He recently released two instrumental beats through TikTok's SoundOn platform, and has an EP dropping August 1, 2024.
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At PMG Records we produce high quality unique compositions with purpose, we don't just make random beats, we create hit songs, develop new and existing artists and help develop entire song concepts for the artist.
If you check out my website you will see that I have worked with a very wide variety of genres including but not limited to; jazz, rumba, gospel, indie, blues, rock, and heavy metal. I thoroughly enjoy working with any genre. To me every project is a chance to showcase my skills while also learning something new.
Professional Mixing and Mastering with fast delivery times
creative writing and poetry is my strong suit. i have a good grasp on vocabulary and have a myriad of ideas
Vocalist on cover of 'Kiss On My List' with HSCC on Youtube, over 4 Million Views Worldwide. Music and Cooking show on youtube 'Cookin' with Baz'
Mixing and mastering engineer
Encuentra conmigo el sonido que buscas y la magia que deseas
Recent Successes
"Britney Jayy did an impeccable job singing my song. Her vocals match the song to-a-tee. All of the files she sent were lined perfectly and well recorded. I definitely want to use her again and again and again."
"After Matt killed it on the first job had to come back for a second. If you’re looking for a complete professional, look no further. Mixes sounding so good might have to go and get old material mixed by him 🤘"
"Incredible job for mastering and a very noticeable difference at the end. Ability to mix amplified guitar that was not direct input into pure electronic music perfectly. Not the easiest to do. Worked well with my prod..."
"Mike made my tracks 120% greater with his drumming. He's not only great on the skins but also a very meticulous engineer. Would definitely do business again!"
"Will is not an harmonica player, he’s a genius!!! He’s got the flow of the harmonica running in his blood! It’s the second time I work with him and it’s not over!! He’s brilliant and always on time to deliver! Than..."
"Another great master by Andres! This was my fifth song with him and he nailed it! He's really fast with his delivery and the best part is the mix coaching which is extremely helpful. Can't wait to work on the next son..."
"Great experience working with Alex"
"Enjoyed working with Annie and the team. Very professional and talented, will definitely come back with future projects."