Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Robert Cheek
I am a skilled guitarist focused on creating parts that serve the song and a strong singer in the high baritone range with my own sound. I have five solo records out currently and also love to play synths, keys, and bass. I'm fast, professional, capable, love to work, and am respectful to everyone I collaborate with.
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hello, my name is indra adhidaksa, jkt indonesia.. will serve you best great prize...
I make art with your art.
Where digital meets analog! Take your song to the next level with our mixing and mastering bundle!
I'm here to make your song come out better than you ever imagined, and will not stop until I do. Award winning producer, mix and mastering engineer.
Your satisfaction with the end result is the most important thing to me. Here to help you to achieve your musical goals. Making room in the mix for the vocal and glue everything toghether. and make it ready to sound excellent on every platform.
I'm student mixer and bassist. I in loved synths and expressives mixes
im a drummer, capable of recording acoustic drum tracks from my home studio. i can program drums in midi and i have some experience mixing and mastering as well. i record videos for youtube, editing it all myself and i also do graphic design for logos
hey! i'm røvi - i'm a multi-instrumentalist, singer/ songwriter and composer. rooted in piano and drums. i love writing songs with an acoustic guitar and moving them to the piano to curate the feeling i'm going for.
Recent Successes
"Aaron did an incredible job mixing the single I produced. I had essentially no revisions to his initial mix, which is rare. He was super easy to work with and responsive. Even though I was working with an indy artist..."
"Frederik was really easy to work with and gave me a really fast turnaround time. I only needed vocals this time and not guitar, but they sounded exactly how I wanted the first time with no revisions needed"
"Andres did a very professional work with extremely fast response time as usual. I appreciate especially that he gave me the details about his tonal correction measures. Thank you Andres!"
"Austin definitely does not stop working on your song until it is exactly right! The best! Highly recommend for anything!"
"Francesco did a fantastic job. Responded right away to our inquiry and turned around our mix incredibly quickly. The first mix was professional sounding in a way we couldn't achieve on our own. We responded with list..."
"Working with Joao Has been awesome. His creativity brings a tremendous amount of production value to each track I’ve done with him. He is also very quick with revisions and a great communicator. I definitely recommend..."
"Again a great piece of work from Amilli Productions. Very happy with the results!"