Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rob Shelton
I'm a session drummer, producer and sound-designer based in Berlin. I have specialized in elegant grooves, creative sound design, vintage drum tones and the organic implementation of electronics. I'm known for my genre-bending approach & versatility; highly dynamic, expressive and musical. I'm very excited to work on your next project!
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More providers:
Multidisciplinary From vocals(tuning, mixing) beatmaking to (Spanish Latin songwriting trending on the worldwide music market) if you are a creative but don't have a great voice or tuning I can fix most of it, if you are looking for sound like now days trending Latin artists contact ASAP a world wide market Is waiting fresh new music.
17 years of experionsed bass guitar expert. I can make great bass tone and bass line. If you want a live bass session I can play within Germany or I can create bass line or bass sound for you. You can check out my Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/3ZkXhiFnKsc
Top production, mixing and mastering for up-and-coming artists.
I work on beat production every day. Also have recorded and mixed vocals/instrumentals for independent artists.
Professional Mixing & Mastering by a german gold + platinum producer
We are a small, well equipped hybrid studio in North Portland designed to help every artist in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. We have experience with multiple genres to include rock, Americana, reggae, country, and jazz.
Music producer with a flair for bass music
Creative Producer in diferente genres like R&B, Hip-Hop, Urban
Recent Successes
"Well, i know, that somebody can think, that $100 for mastering is a little bit expensive, but Sefi's work absolutely worth it. 100$ for 100% satisfaction guaranteed! I'm just loving his work on my track! "
"We secured Chris for a production job. We had a very good experience working with Chris. He listens to feedback carefully and made revisions appropriately. We look forward to working with him again. "
"Nice Artist! Reactivity and Quality is here."
"Davi is a fantastic musician and not only a super good accordionist. really charmed with the materials he has delivered. The hardest thing is to make a choice. First contact, recording and delivery in a couple of hou..."
"You have made our first lady of pop a very happy and thankful artist -we can not wait to get this track to radio - thanks again Nate you are the most amazingly talented producer and remixer - love your work"
"EVERY SINGLE TIME! I always walk away after working with B4Lasers feeling proud and excited about the work we've done. #AlienGangFam Thank you B4Laser. "
"Really high quality, and very professional... helped me improve my vocal quality and gave tips on bringing the vocal quality up, both vocally and equipment.. Nice work man "
"What a great service here! Mo is not only a great mixing and mastering engineer but also an awesome producer who immediately knows what a song needs to reach the next level! Highly Recommended!"
"Scott just sent me yet another great performance, one of my favorites. It's always hard to rank his performances because he has consistently delivered for me. He is highly recommended for his great range of talent! C..."