Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rob Mathes
Guitarist / Producer /Engineer. Specialty - Slide Guitar Over 30 years of session work under my belt working with well established artists and producer I work with some of the finest musicians in NY, LA, Austin, and Nashville. I have a good set of ears.
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Educated to First Class Degree level in Music Production, I have previously worked with Relentless Energy, Eastpak Bags, Shutterstock, Premiumbeat, Unconvention Hub, Merlin Entertainment and Industrial Strength Records.
Need a real 'musician' to mix a cheeky song soon or do a jazzy or funky live drum track? You're in luck. Regi Ashman can do both of those things (and maybe more).
I'm a remote mixing engineer, producer, and mastering engineer. I went to school for music and recording, but much of my experience has been self-taught and hands-on. I graduated music recording school with the vision of helping others make it in the music industry, I have the tools to take your demo and turn it into a polished work of art!
Hello everyone! I am a lifelong sonic explorer with an emphasis on CREATIVE, VIBEY productions and sounds. If you want a current, edgy sound that will capture attention immediately I am your guy. I am an accomplished drummer and know how to get great drum sounds in a mix. I also have many analogue synths and compressors ready to go :)
I can mix , arrange, produce as well as write, but I can work on any Genre. 1-5 day turn around I’ve worked with some underground artist like oshea, Qiuntellii many more coming as I’m starting to build my name . I can also write any hooks and sing them for all my rappers as well as make beats
Perfect quality beats, loops, mixing. Mixing vocal
My original music productions can be heard on Fox TV, BET+, Univision & others. Award-winning pianist with hundreds of compositions. I help composers get synch-ready, get professional sounding music.
Recent Successes
"Exceptional work from Paul very satisfied with his work went far and beyond to achieve his clients goals. Would Highly Recommend 5/5"
"Hakan was very fast and professional! Talented at so many different things. Will definitely work with him again. "
"I've worked with Mella several times now, which is as big an endorsement as anyone can give. I dawned on me this time around the one of the biggest qualities - along with her voice, her manners and her professionalism..."
"I cannot recommend Dave Way highly enough. He nailed everything I asked of him, breathed a fresh creative spark into the mix, and was very prompt, kind, and professional in his responses. He is truly a class act. I lo..."
"Top guy, top work. always a pleasure. Will be back with more mixes to be mastered. "
"Mungo listened to all of my needs and delived as promised. I would recommend!"
"He's a professional singer. He has a very attractive voice. He's an outstanding talent! And he writes lyrics well. I could enjoy the work. I want to work with him again next time."
"Camilo continues to deliver supreme mastering for my music and is my permanent choice for mastering. One of a kind as a professional and human being.Gracias Hermano!"
"Brittany has been part of 10 different projects for us over the last few years. We always know who to give holler to if we need female vox . She never disappoints. Her vocals and ad libs are always more than what we ..."
"Had a Pop/Rock single for Anton to mix, and he once again did an amazing job. "
"great work! "