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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rob Ignazio
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Originating from Montreal, Canada, Eric aka Lozion is a freelance live & studio sound engineer active on the World Music scene since the late 90’s. Fascinated by black music culture, it is in the Caribbean and West Africa that he found inspiration for his signature sound.
I've been playing drums for as long as I can remember and have studied drums and percussion since I was 8 years old and most recently at The New School. I have been gigging around NYC and the tri-state area for the past two years in a variety of genres. I've played everything from indie rock, to musical theater, to jazz professionally.
Remixes, Production, Mixing, mastering, music production for TV and Digital Releases.
A passionate
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HEM is a producer who finds no limits when it comes to making music. Having experience in many genres, HEM is ready to help you create the perfect song of your choice! With unique sounds and lyrics, each song is made with hard (and fast!) work. HEM specializes in EDM, pop, hiphop, R&B, and ballad, as well as lyric writing
Mixing and Mastering Engineer from Germyn with 6 years experience! I love to work with different people around the world. My passion is music and I want to make music with everyone!!
Recent Successes
"I love working with her! We have already completed a few projects in these past few weeks and shes been on time or earlier with each project. Very reliable! Great quality of work too!"
"Shelley is great, creative with skill and talent. Recommended all the way, she will deliver amazing music. "
"So much pleasure to work with Daniel, always manage to give exactly what I wanted! Looking forward to new songs in 2021, thank you Danie"
"So excited for my new songs I have made with Arthur! He is professional, efficient and very, very talented. Arthur takes time to understand your vision and elevate it with his experience and knowledge of music cult..."
"Wow! Just wow! Drummers of such caliber are extremely rare! I've sent Chris all kinds of songs, some of them initially written to triple-layered drum-machines and he managed to nail absolutely every one of them. I can..."
"Nick Cianci is next-level. Nick was the lead guitarist on my debut EP, a project that my producer and I have kept very close to the chest. I'm happy to say bringing Nick into the fold was one of the best choices we ma..."