Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rik Ross
Cigarettes After Sex, Tycho, Tokyo Police Club, John Legend, Andrew Bird and hundreds more. 6+ Billions of streams and growing. Platinum and Gold records. Have worked on every genre many times over. 20+ years experience with large Vintage Neve console and endless toys to make something unique sounding for your project.
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I love to make music. I love improvising, i'll do that all the time, and from that a lot of good ideas go out. I have to put that at work, hopefully in some kind of "win win situation".
Unleash the Power of Exceptional Mixing with Blake Voss, Award-Winning Audio Engineer and Mixer.
I am a flexible, timely, and tenacious artist that likes working with like-minded people with the common goal of giving the world tasteful and compelling music.
I am Musician From Pekanbaru city, I am Make produtions My Music, Like as Hip-hop, Rnb And Pop
I will produce or write your song
Looking to turn your voice into a hit single!
I am a signed musician/producer. I have worked with major producers such as Mike Dean and Mike Shinoda. Currently have my own music out as Brevin Kim and have over 10 million total streams.
Have worked with many artists worldwide as well as some EDM/Trance legends Releases with SONY, ForverYoung, ChapterEight Records 1.5 million+ streams across works Appear on Spotify's - Trance Mission (825,000 likes) TikTok: 55,000 Instagram: 12,500
Recent Successes
"Emre is first of all a sweet and kind person. For an artist they are very important characteristics. I don’t know how, he transform the tracks very quickly and turn them in a unique groove in a way that he only can. G..."
"Great time working with Alex. Professional and cooperative, was no problems adjusting and moving things when I asked. Fluent in styles of production and had a nice library of sounds to choose from. Will recommend and ..."
"Great drummer great musician! Self going with insights. Professional handling and everything you wish for. "
"I am very happy with my experience with Michael. He not only recorded vocals professionally, but he did it exactly as I wanted. In addition, Michael helped me improve the lyrics. I will definitely contact Michael agai..."
"Perfect tonal balance, dynamics well present and very musical! without distortion and with high levels of LUFS, thanks Camilo!"
"Just really great working with Killian. Great creativity and collaboration. We have several projects on the pipeline and just having a lot of fun."
"Amazing mixer and producer. This is my third time using Luk, and I'm very pleased with the music. Cant wait to release more. I highly recommend Luk!"